does anyone know how I can make money quickly without breaking the law. I am absolutely skint, work full time and have 2 kids. loads of ideas would be good. I dont mind doing homeowrk but whenever I...
does anyone know how I can make money quickly without breaking the law. I am absolutely skint, work full time and have 2 kids. loads of ideas would be good. I dont mind doing homeowrk but whenever I...
ok those who know me prob just think im hoping too much but here goes. I miscarried 2 weeks ago and started taking the pill straight away as I dont want to have to go through all that again. Since...
I currently have the sony ericsson K750i and its great etc etc however I find the joystick gets stuck a lot. I have only had the phone for 8 months. I want to get something else, contract or pay as...
Hi can anyone tell me how I can write book reviews and get paid for it. I read so many books I might as well ge paid for doing something Iove. Thank you in advance x
does anyone else think its odd that they have an advert for slightly scented tampons??? who's going to get close enough at that time of the month to smell them? bloody weirdo's
Hi ok not a normal pet but I have a pet leopard gecko and I just ondered if they can get too hot. INstead of hiding under his rock he has been laying by the glass in the vivarium. He's eating fine etc...
here is a website that gives you a list of all the music for most of the adverts on telly have a look round the site. alternitively when the adverts come on the telly put subtitles on and 9 times out...
does anyone know why my cat goes mad when he see's cotton buds? he gets them out of my bathroom and chucks them all over the floor. When i try to take them off him he growls. its really bizarre so i...
has anyone else had problems during there pregnancy's but i all turned out in the end. I'm fed up with thinking the worst all the time. I know i go on, blighted ovum and stuff but im having a real...
Can someone please shed some light. I lost a baby at 16wks pregnant last year after a year of trying and spottong on and off all the way through. However this year I am just pregnant again but started...
I have a very lovely friend who is turning 40 this month and i want to buy her something really special but not too expensive. I have known her 17 years and she has had a really crappy time the last...