Hello,has anyone read "The Black Book of Secrets?" I was wondering what the phrase "yadnus a no peehs ym raehs ot dekil i" means, as it never really explains it? please help, and thanks if you do:)
I live in a late 1800 house and have started to decorate the dining room. There was an old cupboard built into the original fireplace. I have pulled it out but would like some ideas as to what to do...
I know you'll think I am silly but I am due to return to work after maternity leave in May and I am having a really bad time at the thought of leaving my little boy in a nursery. I have no option but...
Beverly hills cop brilliant or great ? Eddie murphy funniest in trading places or doctor doolittle? Most infectious laugh.Sid james or eddie murphy? Donkey in shrek movies do you think he looks like...
Youre out for the night.And you enjoy a few drinks or 10.Youre on the town struttin your stuff .You are approached by someone and spend the rest of the evening dancing drinking chatting etc.Fast...
Tapioca or rice pudding? Mashed , boiled ot roast potatoes ? Ever posted a pic of yourself online ? Ever wake up in a strangers bed ? Do you loook good in a bikini ? Well----------------...
does anybody know a female group something like b.. sisters? they released a song in the late 80's/ early 90's. The song wa something about breaking the chain and being free?
help please.
Hi everyone, havent been about for AGES!!! Who's given birth since i was last on - about 4 months ago i think!! How is everyone coping? Hope everyone's doing fine xxxxx
Does anyone know what normally accompanies Thai curry. For example when you eat an indian curry we have naan bread , mango chutney etc. I am makeing a red thai mango and praen curry so what sort of...
Today is the most miserable day of the year!!! Today is the day when everything supposedly goes wrong!! Are you miserable??!! fed up??!! or a happy bunny??!! At the moment, as it is early, I am...
somewhere in the song it goes - 'oh no, she at the bottom of the bottle' the lead singer is singing to a queen who doesn't to impressed by him.....any1 know what im talking about?
Hello, just to let you know I gave birth Monday Morning at 2:01am to a 9lb 2oz baby boy! I went into hospital on Wednesday because I was spotting. Thursday I found out I was 2cm dialated. Friday went...
i was just reading yesterdays post that had a lot of replies about people on here that possibly pretend to be something or someone they're not. personally i don't get why people make up stuff (if in...