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1961 to 1980 of 2091

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Due to a lack of Patients Nat and I are home really early, going to get changed and get Baldric to join us for a nice long walk around the Bay, It is sunny, quite warm and no wind, nice. We have a...
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Words fail me, not quite really, I do not want to destroy the swear filter.
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How sad is this storyline, I know it needs airing, just hope the age for cervical cancer gets lowered even though it didn't when Jade Goody died in 2009, I have three daughters all grown up aged 25,...
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Some guy stopped me in the street and asked “Why are you carrying a 9ft book?” I replied... “It’s a long story.”...
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A very pleasing end result. What a master of the buzz saw.
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Some weeks ago on radio 4 food prog, they were discussing mangoes. Just tried my first one, not bad, but are they worth the money...
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This piccy is known as a "bees candy store". In previous years it would be full of bees, at least a dozen, hardly any this year. Forget polar bears and snow leopards, the planet needs bees for our...
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My partner has just called me absolutely furious and incredulous because he's just heard that the people up the road who have been fostering two lovely little kids are adopting the little girl (about...
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I have just been dragged into a disagreement on another thread in News, which was toddling along well until a member posted amongst other things this. Does anyone else find the constant niggling of...
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ToraToraTora They must have had a reserve candidate instead of using this low life....
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Dave and I have to mix and match our furniture between two here and one in Ireland..... Now, I hate red.....pillar box red not red hair of course....probably because I grew up listening...
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No kids ourselves, but occurred to us: how do parents of not-very-good-looking (or downright ugly) children cope with helping their kids face the world? In this stupid society, where good looks seem...
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This is a shot of the application form for a blue badge. The gender question only gives two options, male or female. When can we expect similar forms to give 50 odd gender options ?...
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I'm thinking of purchasing one. Do I need to get any special power cables for it please? Got to go out for an hour and will check answers later but would appreciate help to get what I need. Buying it...
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When I was a lad, you could take a quid, go to the pictures with your girlfriend,, pop into the pub for the last drink on the way home, get fish and chips, and the last bus home, and still have...
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GDL = Graduated Driving Licence. (e.g. after passing Driving Test, progress up to full licence is based on experience.) See link for one point of view (obviously driven by very tragic circumstances),...
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1. Back to prison for the same sentence 2. Back to prison for a shorter sentence 3. Back to prison for a longer sentence 4. Set free Which will it be ?...

1961 to 1980 of 2091

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