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I have had five of ma last seven questions in Suggestions Banned. Four of those Banned were about Impostors. Is that just co-incidence or are we not allowed to discuss the matter in public?
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anyone know the theme tune to the new series of extras. I've tried 'the tillerman' by Cat Stevens and it's not that. Many thanks
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anyone know the theme music at end of new seris of extras. Its not 'tillerman' by Cat Stevens. Thanks
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does anyone know any like really sexy / good / sensual saxaphone music lol :P i really want to find some thanks xx
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why is it when a game like siants row or just cause ect.. come out people that they are copying gta games!! so is pes copy of fifa and all those fifa games? it gets anoying!!!!
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whats the best, worst and favourite cover versions
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there was a great tune out in the 80's i'm sure by a band call WIN featuring Edwyn Collins called "You've Got the Power" i think-anyone know any cd it's on/where it can be found- help appreciated. AR
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what would you say is the best house music vocal ever? I would have to say the layo & bushwacka/kings of tomorrow - love story/finally sample. What do you think is the best ever?
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I'd like to sing songs about the moon with my class (or that use moon in the song). Can anyone help me think of any that are suitable for the very young? Thanks in advance
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am i the only one sick of hearing this type of tripe from meat loaf.
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I heard a song i liked on the radio, at the end they said that a band called badly drawn boy sang it but i searched for them and couldnt find a thing! Are they really a band? Or did i hear it wrong?...
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Does anyone know the weird music on the "show them the whole thing" segment on soccer am?
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Any other ABers addicted to playing Uno? I have only just discovered it, and am completely hooked.
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i am after the song being sung by the bloke from the new HMV advert, he is in black and white but the wires are in pink, but i don't know who he is or what the song is. maybe one of you clever peeps...
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Can I suggest that ab users who have been on the site for a few years and have used aliases to insult myself and other abers, but then accidenally post an insulting thread in thier main User ID, be...
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Ray Liota recently did a beer advert - can anyone remember which beer it was for?
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Please Please Please can Someone help me with the title and artist of an indie song i heard. It's a tricky one as i can only remember the lyrics "your my world". its been out a while and is quite an...
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Anyone know where i can get the music from the arcade game pacman, i would love to have it as a ringtone on my mobile. MP3 would be best.
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just recieved it from amazon,havnt seen it since i was a kid.cant wait to watch it in the mornin while my girlfriend sleeps in till 11.going trough a stage of buying all the old cheesy 80s horrer...
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as my other post says im collecting all the film i saw as a kid,whats your favourites? and im not talking lost boys and fright night etc (even though in my opinion there are the best horrer films ever...

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