It seems that this years show is in fact going to be called.. "I'm not that much of a celebrity but still got some cash, can you get me out of here?". The only face I can match to a name is Caitlyn...
Our Gaffe prone Prime Minister managed to cock up laying flowers at the cenotaph yesterday by laying them upside down. Fortunately a mix up at the BBC Breakfast News programme resulted not in...
How do I change the name of a file/folder in the above. Only have access via my phone but can’t find anyway if altering/deleting/adding a file/folder....
Hello everyone, I need some help with some ideas. One of my daughters is going to be 30 in December. I've always felt it was a shame that her birthday was in December because I feel that Christmas...
Or is it time for another one. Our computer is about 6 years old and was assembled by a friend who knows about computers (obviously!) It's been great and has been quick enough for our needs. We are...
Hi all. I'm afraid that Answerbank has lost all it's appeal for me. It is swamped with adverts which jump up at every opportunity and getting worse. Even as I type this I can see ads for Tesco,...
I have been advised to leave my boiler on all day and control the heating by the thermostat. Have this set at 20/21 during the day but not sure what to set it to when I go to bed. Don.t really want it...
This chum of Corbyn not only makes jokes about domestic violence but regards the P.M.s mother being raped as equally amusing. How do Labour supporters vote for this vile specimen?...
i could not find this on mainstream news, a friend in canada gave me this link, girl suspended over red black poppy, only lgbt poppies allowed...pathetic....
Anyone who read or responded to spath's thread will know what this is about. There were no 11,000 scientists, there was no scientific...
This question obviously goes to women who are athletes and/or workouts a lot to the point of having big muscles or is in great condition. Even if the male is the skinniest male who doesn’t have good...
Just heard on the news that Ms Sturgeon has promised to bring a bill into the new parliament to prevent the NHS being privatised. Why should this bother Scotland as if Ms Sturgeon has her way Scotland...