How likely is remain to win considering all the rhetoric from the EU being about 'ever closer ties' etc. There will always be die hard Remainers that will not accept that out will ever be right but...
My wife and I have just returned from a 'come as your hero' party. I went as Rick James who, in my opinion, is the most unrecognised piece of brilliance ever to have uttered a note (Google Fire and...
Are any of these still trundling around? I haven't seen one for a while
I know that those were still going were pretty old, so there can't be much life left in them....
Hi Ken, missed your Thursday post. Did have a scan through Thurs & Fri card, but gave it a swerve. Have picked a bet for today though. I have been to today's Chester meet many times, usually shirt...
Why is it unlawful to fight in defence of one's race and nation"?...
Is there some scientific reason or is it because they are lightweight and travel easily with the water, up the saucepan? No other frozen veg is so animate! (My peas have just boiled over...again! I...
Poor criteria as far as flag officers are concerned 3&9 Referee with famous mother 8. ???s?l?? It's used for bringing fish to shore ,we hear 7&5 Uniform chant for the service 8 He turns up surrounded...
just heard this news ... Despite living in LA and not bothering to vote in the Referendum, he still thinks that his... According to the National Audit Office, the 60% rise in...
If any those voting to remain have any doubts as to if they made the right choice, does this speech help you decide unequivocally? "In his state of the union speech, European Commission president...