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18a Nothing disturbs the beauty of some vessels: ?e?o?s 17d Exhaust, impressing a New Labour mantra, when repeated. The answer is apparently "education". Can anyone please explain why?
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Romany for York (3 words): ?o?i ?o???i?e? g?v Approval by a state of a diplomatic representative sent to it: ???e?e?t
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I am trying to replace some NiMH cells. They are cylindrical, 66mm long by 16mm diameter. I can't find this size anywhere. Has anyone come across them, if so, what name or number do they have? I want...
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American beefcake hero of the 1960s: T?o? D?n?h?e
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Austrian engineer whose work advanced the development of radio telegraphy: ?e?s?n?r Hindu goddess, often represented as a cow: a?i?i
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Can I use a 2GB SD Memory card in my Panasonic DMC-FZ5 camera? The manual says 1GB is the maximum, but I wondered if that is because its rather out of date, and there used not to be memory cards...
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Tibetan religious leader: t?s?i. I thought it was the Dalai Lama, but it seems they're after someone else!
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Are "compatible" or "recycled" inkjet cartridges as good as the original ones from the manufacturer? There's a colossal price difference!
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Shakespeare's obliquely: ? ???n?e Eat humble pie in Modena: g? t? ??n?s?a Top-ranking fashion house: ?r?n? a?e?l?r
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My wife has Vista on her computer, and quite often everything closes down and she gets a message saying "Configuring updates....." This is really annoying, as it takes about 5-10 minutes to complete...
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I would like to get a decent dictionary - Is there one dictionary that folk would recommned as being the best. In particluar is there an accepted 'bible' that cyrptic crosswoird setters / solvers use...
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A member of the Caddo people of north-eastern Texas: e?e?s?
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In Scotland and northern England, to stretch, strain, reach out: ?a?
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On some web sites the browser back button doesn't work. Does anyone know why, and how you can get over this problem? Its annoying when you can't get back to the Google listing after looking at a lot...
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I'm looking for a wireless colour day/night CCTV for observing wildlife. I have found two with very similar specs, one from and one from Maplin. The Maplin one is half the price of the...
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A stiffening for a doublet: s?e?t?u? A rawhide thong: r?e?
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How does it work?
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Castor and Pollux are sometimes referred to as the --- brothers: a?y?l?e?n Town in ancient Palestine: a?i?a?h?a
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Medical condition giving rise to an inability to recognise or name persons or objects: ?m?e?i? a???s?a Members of a Methodist sect founded in 1748: e?n?i?g?o?i??? Hindu sun god: ?a?i?a?
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Type of organic acid used in the manufacture of phenols, dyes, etc. (US spelling): ?u?e?n?c

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