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music gold divers
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I need to unlock my mobile as I'm chamging networks. Is it ok to use an internet service for this or would you recommend brining it to a shop (other than an O2 shop as they won't do it!!)?
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Well the lump is still there, no change in size, feel or child's health. Saw GP today who said it was "probably, but not definitely, a reactive gland". I was advised to not touch it for a...
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Its a old desktop but has USB ports and running XP SP3
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Please, can anyone help? I have a xp laptop, (It's a brand new computer) I use a dongle to connect to the internet, it lights up to let me know I have a connection, but when I go to IE, and type in a...
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I installed Window 7 32 bit when I should have used the 64 bit version. Can I now insert the 64 bit disc and simply install the 64 bit version, or does it have to be a clean install? Maybe i should...
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I am probably being totally thick but anyhow. I have bought a new Dell laptop and I it does not seems to have blue tooth ??. I want to upload videos from my phone to my laptop wirelessly as I have not...
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I am trying to play a game I have downloaded but keep getting the error message 'Incorrect Flsh version... you must have version 8 or above of Flash Player in order to play this game'. I have version...
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Recently I've been severely constipated and can never finish off my visit to the bog. I was thinking about buying laxatives to encourage my passengers to depart the station. Are they safe? Do they...
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I've only been using the contraceptive pill for a month and a half now, and have noticed my breasts have grown a wee bit. Probably not noticably, but naturally I've noticed it. Not a hindrance by any...
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from nowhere
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I know how to return the display on a computer monitor back to *normal* when the cat has decided to walk over the keyboard and managed to press Ctrl + Alt + one of the Up/Down/Left/Right buttons.......
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Iv had my tongue pierced for about 7months den had to take it out for work reasons its bn out 3months now and iv decided i want it done again! Is it sore getting it done a second time and is it safe?
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i received an email with an attachment ,titled ..doc... which i cannot open (with vista basic) is there any software that i can probably downlod, to sort this problem, thanks
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Both my pc and laptop are fitted with dvd burners, a total of 3. All are different brands, all work well. BUT -all of them are supposed to be capable of burning + and - format discs, yet will only...
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At what speed does electicity move along. If a wire is thicker than another would the speed be the same. If two wires were differant lengths would one light a bulb quicker than the other.
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It is time for a new computer. The Tesco special is now showing signs of age and is slow for gaming. I am looking at adverts which are very enticing. Using phrases like "Quad Core" and "64 bit...
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I am making a wooden mould to cast a concrete feature in my garden. I dont want to buy gallons of commercial release agent for a couple of castings. Is there some readily available product that will...
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I've been looking, without success, for a large half-barrel, about 3' in diameter and around 2' high, for use as a planter. Can anyone point me in the right direction, so to speak? Thanks in advance.

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