Are there any DVD players on the market that are capable of playin DivX or Xvid .avi files as well? If not, are there any plans for them in the future?
Is there an episode of Friends where Chandler meets Janice for the first time? If not, do we know how they meet, and which is the first episode she is in?
I have a Lexmark Z42 printer, and currently the black cartridge either doesnt put anything on the page, or if it does, its really faded. The cartridge is quite new, and has worked before. It doesnt...
Does anyone know any websites for Medical Research/Trials either in the east Midlands area, or in Kent? Has anyone done them before? What is it and the pay like?
Has anyone heard the medical research advert on the radio in the east midlands, for a place in Leicester? I hear it all the time on 106 century FM, but now I want some info, I never hear it! If any...
Does anyone know if the Marc bloke from 'Doctors' is guilty of rape or not? Did we see what actually happened? I only just turned it on the other day to see the start of the trial. Also do we know if...
Can anyone tell me how I can get into a job designing and/or making toys, of any description? Any graduate opportunities would be great. Are there any websites for this type of job?
When a film needs a helicopter, or 50 tanks or 1000 guns, where do they get them from? Do they just go along to the Army and say: 'Here is a milllion squid, can we borrow your entire vehicle section...
Was there this much coverage of Gulf War part 1? I dont remember anywhere like as much of it on the TV every 5 minutes and filling up half a daily newspaper. Also, how long was the first Gulf War?
Are there any website out there that have sound and/or video clips from the latest series of Shooting Stars? Ive looked at the BBC site, but thats no good. Cant seem to find any on Google. Im...
This may sound a bit stupid, but is 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner just half a bottle of each mixed together? If not, why not, and if so, damn thats a get rich quick cheap scheme!
Has anyone who has been on the Virgin Voyager cross country train from Scotland to the South Coast noticed the random noises that come accross the intercom every so often. I think its sort of three...
Can anyone suggest some other DivX or avi movie players for the PC apart from Windows Media Player and DivX Player 2.0? I am having trouble playing a couple of films, and hope a different player might...
Serious question guys! (im sure you will take the p**s anyway, not literally though). Im sure im not the only one who 'suffers' from this, but i find it really hard to go to the toilet and use a...
Does a phobia have to exist for there to be one? I found a website with a list of Phobias on it, and some of them are beyond bizarre! Allodoxaphobia- Fear of opinions? Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of...
Does anyone know why certain items have a star next to them on my shopping lists? I cant see any particular relationship - not for own brands, or for liquids. Some examples are: Washing Up Liquid,...
Can anyone tell me what happened in the last 20mins of Thurs 6th March episode of Dianosis Murder, called 'The Patient Detective'? We had a power cut so I missed it! It was the one where Steve was in...