Has anyone else noticed that when the media is discussing the makeup of troops from the European nations to form the UN peacekeepers in Lebenham, nothing has been mentioned about Britain's...
Why is it that when i dream up a sexual fantasie it seems great, then... i either dont have the guts to enact it or if i do then it is not as good as in my visions. Also on a lighter note why is it...
I am trying to go swimming three times a week, is this enough? I try to go for a run or cycle at other times but its a bit hit and miss. When i went swimming last week i did 60 lengths in just over an...
I dont suppose there is anyone out there who plays this PC game still?! I do! I found a patch on the internet so that i can play it on windows xp!! I love the game but find it very hard...any tips?
Well i got a text message late last night. But dont know who its from as i dont have their number in my phone book! Was along the lines of "hi how are you ...long time no speak" I...
I am looking to get more IT qualifications and thinking about doing a CLAIT course at my local college. Has anyone done this course? Can I start from level 2 as i am fairly computer literate already?...
Ok maybe i am being blond, but i have never been much of a biologist so here we go. Why is it when i swim and especially when i go underwater that, the water does not get through to my brain?!
I found a job which i would like to apply for with an organisation but i have just seen another one advertised on their webpage. Should i apply for both then they may select me for the most...
Ok well I am a bit more sorted in my head with some things, so i want to get on with some things now. But I am worried. I am trying to do some job applications and worry that there is no point in me...
Since when did claustrophobia become a criminal offence in America ? A claustrophobic woman 'acted suspiciously' on an American flight, so it diverted and she (at 60 years old) has been arrested !!!...
I have some iritable spots on my penis and would like to reassure my self it is just acne. Can anyone also reassure me about how tests for STI's are carried out. I am really scared of needles and...
Well my parents are back from holiday which is good, could not stand it being just me and my brother for too much longer. Last week was ok but it is now tuesday and I really have not done anything...
Ok am i being silly or?? Mum used to buy take a break magazine and i helped her with some of the puzzles etc. Now i buy Take a break and full house magazine and do them, myself. Are they really for...
I am very tempted to try to make a go of things with an ex girlfriend of mine. We get on good its just the distanc eand some issues i have with my depression that got in the way before. We text each...
I read an article saying that for those over 22 it would rise to ?5.35 an hour from October 2006. This was a recomendation by the low pay commission, does anyone know if the government has taken this...
I know I moan on here a lot and i am really sorry but i am grateful for all the help and advice that people here offer. Also I am moving forward....well turning around like a super tanker...bit like...
Ok sorry to bother you all again but i am cooking for my very fussy unappreciative brother in a little while and need to make sure the rice is perfect! Any suggestions?!