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Is wearing a poppy an example of Virtue Signalling ? I heard it described as such today. Personally I believe it to be a sign of respect to our Armed Forces. Lest we forget....
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This is why this country was not worth one more Coalition soldier and the US were right to get out when they did
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If so, what are their objections to the vaccine, what are they afraid of? Apart from objecting to being told what to do.
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are belarus really flying in migrants to rub up poland, tragedy that should not have begun and what to do, no one wants them......
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I’ve never been arrested/charged with drink-driving – but have a question that ABers may be able to answer. The legal drink-drive alcohol limit in England is 35µg/100ml of breath – I’ve read that if...
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bobbinwales Canadian Covid denier who was being prosecuted for...
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Owen Patterson ,after speaking with his family,has resigned as an MP and will therefore trigger a by-election.After the last couple of days I don’t think he had much option....
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A friend received a text message today at 5.00am asking her to apply for a Covid passport. She hadn't already got one so she followed a link to apply. The website looked genuine enough but the charge...
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Went to see the latest James Bond film yesterday. Was not at all impressed by the story line and it was a long watch. However having watched the Bond films since Dr No back in my teenage years with...
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what a pleasure to watch the build up to the EUSSR referendum and the fatal crushing of the 5th Column. A great chapter in the history of our nation....
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Brexit is the main cause of the UK supply chain of food and petrol shortages says ........ "The Govt spending watchdog"........ While Boris's Ministers are trying to lay the blame on Global shortages...
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ToraToraTora ...can't wait to watch that....
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A long time ago, when I last did this, we used a kodak carrousel with 'slides' set on auto. so that the images would be projected onto a screen in a sequence which could continue indefinitely with a...
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Impact of Brexit on economy 'worse than Covid' FACT truth not lies - to the point. Discuss....
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Have just had my annual MOT at the GP's and some of the cholesterol results have come back as abnormal. I can access results online. Are they particularly bad enough for me to go on tablets or can I...
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Having posted threads detailing what a disaster Brexit has been for the UK (from the loss of billions of pounds in exports, to the loss of key-workers etc, etc); nearly two weeks ago I posted an...
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The Government are giving them £1Billion to host our secret services’ Cloud data. Not sure if it was a competitive tender, or whether Priti read a good review and made the order....
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MIL is a highly intelligent woman, as is FIL. (But male lol). and they have always(accurately) based/predicted peaks in COVID cases, numbers on amount of ambulances they see per week, and on a specifi...
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The Chief Exec of Accolade wines.. warns of Wine and Prosecco shortages in the run up to Christmas.. and guess what ?............He is blaming Brexit.......what a surprise....
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