... in the cock-up department.
Why you never put a bald bloke on the cover of a stacking magazine :
It seems that you need to be much more careful about the use of irony and hyperbole - even in a suposedly private exchange of emails with someone you thought was a friend ......
It looks like Winter is about to show its claws, and the evenings will be dark from Sunday onwards. Some Big Warming Wines from my recent stock-ups at Aldi, Tesco and the STWC : It's back, it's just...
A foretaste of Summer as Winter approaches : https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2018/oct/25/tour-de-france-2019-highest-in-history-cycling Looks like a very interesting route - no cobbles this time,...
In my youth, I used to carry around a copy of "Zen and the Art of Motorcyle Mechanics" - absolute tosh of the highest water, I never got beyond chapter one ... ... but very good for impressing young...
[ in CB for visibility ] Hello Chaps I may need to transfer around 10,000€ as a holding deposit on a property in Ireland - obviously I'm doing all the 'due diligence' about account references and...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-45733111 I understand the frustration which the islanders feel when they are arbitrarily relocated for the convenience of mapping - but when...
Nothing like a topless Russian to win friends and influence people ...
Had a wonderful afternoon at the MK Theatre yesterday (see the 'Bliss' thread) but one warning note now ... We each had a modestly sized glass of (fairly ordinary) wine in the (well named) 'crush bar'...
Hello Ed - from a rather damp Dave In the light of the appalling hoax perpetrated on AB (and Craft1948) by persons unknown, is it time the AB toughened up its procedures for registration of a...
Presumably those of you with young children/grandchildren will already have this irritatingly popular earworm ... but so everyone else can suffer too ...
... is having had a gness cooked dinner - without even a single ping from the microwave!! Now sitting on the patio awaiting the arrival of the Hogs and sipping a final glass of something red and...
This had evaded my attention : https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/aug/23/europe-to-ban-halogen-lightbulbs I'm all in favour of energy saving - and have a lot of LED lamps around the house -...
Please join in with any bargains or 'unusual' purchases you've made recently ... 1. Co-op - currently doing some *very* tasty Malt Whisky offers - I got a bottle of Chivas Regal 12yo for only £20...