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What are the best products to use to stop hair damage?
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My hairdresser found a line approx 4cm long by 1/2cm wide on the back of my head where there is no hair. This only appeared recently and she thinks it may be caused by a thwack on the back of the head...
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What do guys think of this? apparently, its for damaged hair caused by perming/relaxing/straightening - what do people think of it? anyone had it? think its about ?50 a time!
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I know you can get your hair chemically straightened at a salon, but I have seen hair relaxant for afro hair in the store. Is it possible to use this on caucasian hair or is it too strong?
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My wife and I were on a train the other day, in front was a girl reading this book. My wife stated she would like to read it (Xmas present beckons). Basically it is a romantic story about a woman who...
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flip-flop know the type of thing - something that years down the line still makes you cringe with embarrassment. I've got a terrible one - really really terrible, so much so I sought the poor girl out a...
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hi ! i'm going into hospital on thursday to have a benign breast lump removed under local anaesthetic. Has anyone had this? I know it will probably be fine but i get a little queasy at the mere...
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More a rant than a question. I have never come across so many rude fitting room assistants in my life as i did this evening on Oxford Street!. Worst culprits were (in order of rudeness) 1, Topshop, 2,...
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When do you know for sure when a relationship is over?

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