You met a girl online, saw a couple of pictures (which you liked), got on really well, and chatted for ages, then after a couple weeks agreed to meet up for a date. You meet her for said date, but...
I was watching Top Gear last night, and this track came on. I'm sure that I've heard it in a film that I saw recently, but it's killing me trying to rememer. Any suggestions?
I know that Charlton Heston is famous for his NRA speech where he made the quote (roughly) "They can take my rifle when they prise it from my cold, dead fingers", but where does this quote originally...
During the testing of the new Jag against the Aston Martin, they played several tunes, but I'm after the final one they played at the end of the piece. I can remember nothing of it, except I think it...
There's a mouse in the flat, and it's given me the shock of my life. I've just been unloading the dishwasher, and he shot out from behind the bin, and struggled through the vent at the bottom of the...
I'm searching for a map of the boundaries of all the phone codes (01225, 01442 etc), but cannot find them anywhere. Any suggestions? BT have been less than helpful by the way.
Can someone explain this in simple laymans terms if possible? stm Assuming I've got this service I sit in front of my TV and turn it on. What will I be...
I want to be able to record a short section from a song I have downloaded from CD onto Windows Media Player using Sound Recorder. However, every time I try, nothing is being recorded and I can't think...
Hi Ed, I'm sure that I speak for the vast majority of people who would like to have sexyairhead banned for good please. She's routinely offensive to others, often in a highly stressful way, especially...
Everything changed after two planes were piloted into the twin towers. We've had troops sent into Afghanistan, which is still a mess of escalating violence. We've entered into an illegal war with...
Yet again, we have another minor celebrity in the news for an alleged rape, after Sezer from Big Brother was arrested following an alleged incident in a hotel room. Should we have laws introduced that...
As I've mentioned before, my flatmate and me, whilst being best mates for years, are often like chalk and cheese. He's very much a glass half empty kind of person, wheras I'm the opposite. In the pub...
I'd like to set myself up with broadband at home for the first time. I've been in my flat for 2 years but have never had a landline, although it does have phone points already set up. I have no...
Can someone point me in the direction of a decent software package for editing the digital phots that I'm taking? I'm looking for something that will enable me to convert to black and white, change...
The smugness brought on by healthy fruit eating (below question) has led to someone challenging me to try ad get a 6-pack. I'm not bothered really, but I am competitive enough to try it. I'm pretty...
So I decided that I was going to be abit more healthy at work, as everyone is always eating cakes and biscuits etc, so I popped down the charity shop and bough a nice granny-ish cut glass fruit bowl.... 894.stm Not strictly the newest of stories, but it has been about in the last couple of weeks. A law has been proposed to outlaw abortion, even in rape...