This morning on Facebook, our local radio station asked what we thought was the most beautiful song ever written. I suppose there are 100s if not thousand but the first two that came into my head were...
Can someone please explain how house numbers work in USA? On TV programmes nobody ever seems to live at 16 Acacia Avenue or 23 West Street, all the numbers are in the thousands....
1. Quick turn in dance for two retreating men (9) 2. It is resolved by bold Huron (6,5) 3. Country lacking a joint position shortly (6,6) 4. Everyone included in favours (8) 5. Ring partly involving...
The first is MOCLEW - which I know is almost 'welcome back' except the 'e' is missing! Could it be anything else? The other is 'stupid' written above 'cowlike' - am I overthinking the cowlike to be...
Having problems with my computer, it's a zoostorm model number 7872. When I turn on I get a completely blank screen apart from in the bottom corner where it has A3. Cannot get past this screen at all,...
4S10A87 2F693E5 T902Y48 [Before you ask: yes, it’s formatted as shown, I triple-checked for errors before posting, the zeroes are zeroes and not letter ohs, the one is a one and not the letter ℓ, and...
Eg NOT the city, the suffix eg Jets for New York, plural or singular is fine.
Here is the list:
Take it away Van.......
Any of these words as they are here, not as part of other words:
take it away Phil:
all answers have either IN or OUT in the answer 6. speaking in an indecent way (9) 10. a rough slapstick comedy (10) 22. to go and look in places for something (5) 24. a tubular structure made up of...
Capital Cities of the World Can you please help me with the Quiz? 4. Home for an Accountant and an Artist (5 letters ? ). 6. Leave nothing here (5 letters ? ). . 8. Also a variety of White, Red, or...
I have just joined Virgin for my TV, Internet and phone, and it seems they need to send me an 02 sim card to keep the monthly price low anyone else had this.
Received a letter this morning telling me i have been selected for jury service ( first timer ) at Kingston Crown Court in February (quite looking forward to it in a weird way). Looking for any advice...
hi i have my daughter's school quiz tonight and i need a team name. Obvs i don't want to give out my actual name here, nor the school name, but can anyone think of some great chhristmas/quiz themed...
Of all the countries that play cricket most of the players can speak English,so they would be able to understand the banter that goes on and off the field.But what could stop those players who are...