http://www.dailymail....azi-slur-Britain.html /// All nations have a cross to bear, and none more so than Germany with its memories of Nazism. But the British cross is more insidious still./// This...
2d, Made cuts in theatre i'd since edited (7) 4d, Bloke such as Morse, good at heart (6) 7d, Cheer try added to score? Not half! (7) 22a,Many travail, so may be converted to religious group(9,4)...
Eugene Terreblanche, extreme right wing "white supremacist" murdered at his farm in South Africa. Only Ku Klux Klan and BNP types surely would mourn his passing? The world's well rid of yet...
3dn radio frequencies on which the public are allowed to broadcast (8,4) c?t?z?n? band
7 dn tower that is part of defensive structure (8) b?r?v?a?
many thanks in advance...
I recently received a letter from the DWP asking me to pay back £553.04 which was made up of crisis loans dating between 1998 and 2002, when I asked for information of these loans all they sent...
Fell asleep in the car on way back from Essex this afternoon, so couldn't finish the last two clues - and still stuck. ... 17a Diplomatic measure or initiative (8) d?m?r??e 18d hollowed moulding used...
This article from Sept 2008 makes interesting reading, for all those who believe that the Britain of old no longer exists....
18 across. Ride wave to ship -13 letters I think I know the word but cannot bring it to mind. I have ???L???R?S?E? please help and thank you in advance joyla
Are there any other City fans on here besides me , who cannot wait for the season to start, and are laughing their b******s of at all the jealous supporters of the "big four" poor clubs, because their...
Hi therre can anyone help me? I am stuck for a couple 4A expression from America for a police patrol vehicle I have a crime car but not sure if it is correct. 6d Fish related to Turbot. ??i/f 17D...