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Just got round to watching this ITV drama I recorded from a few weeks ago, starring Sarah Parrish and Paul Mcgann. Did anyone else see, or rather hear, the mistake in it? Sarah Parrish played a...
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which doctor was better christopher eccleston or deavid tennant. i would like to hear what people think. thnks.
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hi has anyone off AB met anyone ofrom online how did it go was it fab or was it a tradegy. im planning on meeting some guy this week but dont know if i should thanks in advance
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Right the song I want goes.I lose my self, Ilose myself control.I, I'm living in the forest of my dream,I know the night is not what it would seem..............tomorrow never comes, I said night. de...
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When the programme first started in the early 1960s, it was not just about travelling forward in time and meeting various types of monsters, e.g. sci-fi, but also about travelling back in time, e.g....
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does anybody know if there are any bars in manchester or liverpool that play live traditional irish music on a saturday afternoon/evening? cheers
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Joe Shmoe
Wasn't that a brilliant conclusion after last weeks cliff hanger? But what about Mickey and his shock departure? I for one liked his character and will miss him. Although RTD has not ruled out a...
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so far i have not seen it, read about it or heard it even for a second a fact i am very proud of, can anyone else boast the same? and will anyone join me in going through the entire series without...
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Hiya, when exactly do you use the title Ms, like at what age? Is it like over 21? Thanks! xxx
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Did anyone see the extra 15 minutes they put on after the final Shipwrecked to show them after leaving the island? I saw the final but missed the extra bit...
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cant believe tigers lost i felt so sorry 4 them thinking about applying for next years shipwrecked.
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Is anyone going to see Take That in concert at Wembley tonight? I am and soo excited! Has any one been to see them recently? Any good? x
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Is there any talk of all the doctors meeting up to fight the forces of evil like the one in the 80's? I know the first three are dead but I am sure there are some movie doubles somewhere. I think...
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who is singing leaving on a jet plane help please
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looking for a song with the lyrics im a loser im a freak in it
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Not the one by Level 42! this one was out in around 1983/4 and included the lyrics: 'I can't believe its over, I can't believe it's true' and 'There's plenty more fish in the sea for me' It's kind of...
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I may be going to Liverpool in the summer. I am a big Beatles fan can anyone tell me were in Liverpool is The Cavern Club and other peoples about the Beatles
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...on The Apprentice this week? Missed it cos I was cleaning the oven!
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What was the name of the song George Michael wrote for David Cassidy and what was the name of the song about a puppy David Cassidy sang
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At school we have a music cryptic quiz to raise money for charity. I'm now only stuck on one and was wondering if anyone could help. The answer is DEFINATELY a band or artist. 'Dance across the stock...

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