I have a modern TV but its not one of those "smart" ones. Is there a way that I can link my laptop, to the TV, and then watch the BBC iplayer on a 42" screen, rather than the laptop ? What cable would...
Would it be a good idea that if someone responds to an older thread, thus in essence reopening it, that the thread goes to the top of the page of its Topic?
I think I know why he believes that.................... 1935 http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/05/12/article-0-04E96EFE000005DC-823_634x416.jpg 2015...
Apologies for the poor heading, I'm too tired to think of something more appropriate. Apparently someone on here is trying to contact me. Can anyone shed any light on this please as I've not a clue...
Many people think so!
There does appear to be some evidence to suggest that is the case.
I don't usually fall for this conspiracy stuff but I do sometimes wonder!...
May be a temporary blipbut every time I go to my profile after a few seconds AB disappears and gets taken over by some health magazine page. this is the url, only happens on myprofile page....
Very strong words by this gentleman. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/vomit-charlies-sudden-friends-staff-cartoonist-163403240.html#nx9RH4N But does he have a point? Before this incident in France there has...
I hardly ever watch my TV at home; I can get BBC through iPlayer on my iPad so I use that instead if there's any sport on. I'd really like Sky Sport for the Cricket and Rugby but only want to watch it...
I went off the rails last night and ended up in hospital (Failed suicide attempt) and then being arrested for criminal damage, affray and assault on a police officer (Bath salts) I can't remember a...
Darts prize money last night on BBC2 for Women £12,000, Men £100,000 that is unbelievable when there is supposed to be equality between Men & Women in Sport,I think this is disgusting.
Any thoughts...
A necessary evil to keep his monstrous actions in the conscience of future generations, so a step too far? I'm presently undecided but think I'm erring on the side of the latter....
I see the odious Tony Blair has been talking to John Bercow because hen ants so to get out of giving evidence atbout issuing "comfort letters" to IRA members. Not surprised he's running scared!...