Do you ever have the feeling that Fate has dealt you a hand that you don’t really deserve? Well, that’s how I feel about taking on the role of setter with nothing more than a Bronze Medal...
I was delighted last week to be able to nominate Aquagility as this coming month’s royal setter of MM Links. He has proved over the years to be one of the cornerstones of our Prediction Game and...
...that old people are generally bigoted? I grew up in South London, and my memories of the place were that there were an awful lot of people who can only be summed up thus:...
For this final week, “Lady Jan” did “Spring into Action” and chose as her link words: KITCHEN Garden Centre PARKS/PARCS Hanging AROUND Basket BALL On the down side, points...
I've just got a Blackberry Curve 8520 - OK, I know it's not the latest model but it was a real bargain - but I can't seem to change the sound it makes when a text message arrives. I assume this is...
Good morning everyone, - Quite a good spread of points over three of the matches for this last week with just one 'unexpected' one in the group and after the Leader Board had been looking a bit...
If the Lib Dems were to form a government, which part would be 'The Opposition'? Would it simply be the party that came second? Can't you just imagine the miserable faces of the ones who came third?!...
Good morning everyone - I do hope we're all on board for the last week of the contest, and after some early concerns, I think we have some good possibilities for lots of point scoring. Luckily, a...
This is “Lady Jan” once again bidding you “Welcome” to my fourth week as setter of the MM links game. Sadly, I must also bid you “Farewell”, as this is my final...
I think that I’m back on track regarding the scores on the doors and ready for the final round of links to be set by “Lady Jan”. As usual Jan has been brilliant ~ not least in the...
70% of Chatterbank users have ditched their 'jellybaby' image and set themselves up with a brand new avatar. Only 5% of Q&P posters have changed theirs. Come on folks - show we are not a bunch of...
Good morning everyone - I hope by now the sun is shining [ I mean during the day, not necessarily at this minute !! ] as we're getting weird tropical overcast days, with the occasional downpour and of...
I remember reading on this site several months ago that lots of you recommended not changing from IE7 to IE 8. I was happy with that, on the 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' principle, but I'm now...
For this third week, “Lady Jan” chose her link words under the banner “Ich Dien” as the following: Sales FORCE PERSONAL Assistant Super BOWL STOCK Market Once again, Lady Jan...
This is “Lady Jan” once again bidding you “Welcome” to my third week as setter of the MM links game I was pleased to note that quite a few of the early scorers last week picked...
Good morning everyone - another month is speeding by, definitely a way of making the year go faster, not that it needs any encouragement at all. Time to score some more points with today's links -...
I've been attempting to do this quiz for a while now but so far have not been clever enough to complete one. Is there a quizzer out there, in the same boat, who might be interested in making up a team...
Good morning everyone, from a glorious autumn day, but one which I've not been enjoying very much - I seem to have acquired an odd little lergy and I wish I knew from where, so that I could return it...
I am running a little late today, so I’ll have to do this piecemeal. Starting with her chosen links, Lady Jan dwelt on “Travel” and went with the following: EXPRESS Train SHOW Boat...
Welcome all you AB Linkers to my second week as the royal setter, namely “Lady Jan” of MM Linkland. On the whole, I felt that just the right amount of points was picked up last week to...