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Good morning everyone and a Happy Hew Year to all. I've finally worked out that it's Saturday and we have a new year, a new month and a new contest ready to go. There will be NO discussion as to...
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I think this question may have been asked before......Earlier in the year we put down quite a lot of loft insulation. When I went up into the loft recently it felt distinctly damp. I store out-of...
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When I was freeing up some space on C drive I deleted (or thought I had deleted) some photos from my camera softwareand transferred them on to F (and also made a backup CD). While I was searching for...
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Good morning everyone, for this final week of 2009 - goodness, that went quickly !!! Now, before getting onto other matters - Next weekend - while I believe MM is taking a well-earned break for a...
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Well, Princess Di (aka grannydi or “cyberchick”) finished off the year in a reasonably benevolent fashion. Under a rather obvious theme of “The Festive Season”, she chose the...
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This is ‘Princess Di’ (aka grannydi) summoning all AB Linkers to take up my final challenge and bring 2009 to a suitable close. May I begin by wishing one and all “A Very Merry...
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Good morning and Happy Boxing Day to all - trust we're all good to go this morning or are a few of the tribe feeling a little fragile ??? particularly around the little grey cells ??? No excuse, out...
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Dustybun...I did have an e-mail address for you, but cannot find it. Can I please thank you so much for the lovely 'flower' card you sent me following my recent operation. It was such a lovely...
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22. Gap between Saturns rings 8 8.. Answer should rhyme with vision. I can only find Cassini for the first word. Could the number of letters be wrong or am I making a mistake?.
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[121a] grassy country.[10] ?e?d?w???d. [120d] fought.[6] ???r?d.
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We have now safely arrived at the third week of the reign of “Princess Di” (aka grannydi). Last week, you did far too well. Can I make the challenge harder? Or am I doomed to be ever so...
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Good morning everyone - well I hope you've all got your thinking caps on this morning because I don't have the faintest idea what we're supposed to do with the crossword with which Kate has presented...
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Good Evening AB Linkers, everywhere! This is crofter taking a break from Crimbo Decorating to welcome you to this third week in the reign of ‘Princess Di’ (aka grannydi), who bestowed...
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Pea Brain
I am in a pickle with number 12. Not having a lead is stupid (8) I thought of mindless but not sure Recuperate (10) I have convalesce Also am having trouble with 28. Is the champion? Well that really...
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Good morning everyone - to what will be a somewhat delayed version of the results. Though I realise it's pretty early for most of you, there may be one or two who have already finished the Herculis...
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Well, Princess Di (aka grannydi) must truly be renamed “Diana the Bountiful” as she was able to produce the most profitable game ever in the history of MM Linking. Over 50 points were...
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slytherin student
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Welcome to the second week in the reign of “Princess Di” (aka grannydi) as I continue with my personal history covering the next three decades of my life. I spent my teenage years at a...
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Good morning everyone - ready for another assault on the link words today ?? Well, I don't like our chances of the bonanza of points scored last week, given the words Kate has provided for us, unless...
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Good Evening AB Linkers, everywhere! Welcome to this second week in the reign of ‘Princess Di’ (aka grannydi), who has one or two surprises lined up for you tomorrow. I have been informed...

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