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I am 32 years old, and my big toes make a clicking noise when I move them back and forth. I have had this for many years, but now am thinking about my older age. Should I be thinking of taking cod...
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I'm thinking a buying a Plasma TV but one or two people of said that you can have problems such as needing a gas refill and being unreliable.Does anyone know whether this is true?
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Anybody used these facilities? Do you have any tips or know of any catches? Any companies to avoid?
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Electric shower keeps going hot and cold, Checked water pressure OK. Is it on the way out
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I consider myself to be vaguely intelligent - A levels, degree etc - but why do I get bored or lose interest, in things that I start or am doing, so quickly? Is there such a thing as having as very...
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Heya, i know slightly minging topic but im quite worried, recently going to the toilet (poo) has been really painful and i actually now cringe about the thought of going, at first i just thought it...
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I talk to myself...alot. It started about 6 years ago with insignificant mutterings like, "think I'll have something to eat" and has steadily escalated into full blown dialogue. For instance, if I am...
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When I go around a corner and slam on the brakes my car loses all power?
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Can anyone tell me if there is anything stronger than Temazepam. I'm on 2x 20mg and doctor wants to change is there anything i could ask for?
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If I tick the box, does this mean I'm notifed every time sombody else replies? It doesn't seem to be happening in my case. Am I doing something wrong or have I missed something?
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Anyone else had this? It only happens in the morning. If I make a fist and open my hand, all the fingers open except the one next to the pinky. It satys shut and then eventually springs open when the...
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Thanks Loosehead for your answer.Next question is how was the above clock assessed for accuracy?
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Why, when i get an answer does the e mail link in answer lead to AB homepage, instead of answer, thankyou
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What does a systems analyst actually do?
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Fireman Sam
Does anyone know the precise regulations that in the 1950s required a National Serviceman to complete basic training and "pass out" in order to become a qualified soldier? Thanks.
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I recently went for a job interview through an agency and unfortunately I didn't get it. However the director of the company has since rang me and said the person they took on is likely leave due to...
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I'm thinking of leaving the army and wondered if there was any sort of company that helped leavers get jobs or give advice. I have served for 8 years in the British Army and would love if you could...
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Seeing as how so many people here seem to believe that the country is falling apart and that we are now in an absolutely pitiful state of affairs, I was just wondering which decade of the 20th century...
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What car do you all drive, and what would your dream car be?
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I think the seal around my car windscreen is dodgy... is the only way to fix this to have the windscreen taken off & replaced with a new seal??

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