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hi peeps, here's a thought i have a spare 12v car battery in the shed if I get a 12v car inverter connect it to the car battery then connect my battery charger to inverter and then to the battery,...
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When I ask Alexa to play a specific song, it opens Spotify and plays the specific song, when I ask Google to play a specific song it plays the song but then continues to play similar songs to my...
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Have just upgraded to Sky Q and notice that when the TV is off and the room is quiet, there is a constant "ticking" coming from the box. Probably something rotating. Is this normal for these boxes?...
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ToraToraTora ...woman optimises tax liability! Shocker!...
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This is going to sound bizarre but just bear with me. There was this "game?" I vaguely remember from my childhood and it's been nagging me for years trying to figure out what on Earth it was. I can...
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Hi everyone, I wonder if someone can help please. I am trying to sell 3 x cast iron Le Creuset casserole pots, and I think I may have a buyer. However, I don't think that this potential buyer lives...
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moggie 939
Thanks for all your answers over the last few weeks which have helped me - I am beginning to wish I had stayed with my Z3 compact which worked perfectly. What I am now finding is that often and for no...
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Henry VIII, arguably the most well-known British monarch in history, and certainly one of the longest reigning and most influential to British culture, will be skipped over in a new BBC history...
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This is a stupid question but that kind of detail has never stopped me before. Can I retrieve a word processing document that I did not save? Didn't take copy and of course now I need to refer to it....
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I'm trying to connect my new Lenovo laptop to my HP Deskjet 1514 printer, but when I click 'add device' all I get is " the printer that I want isn't listed". Anything I can do to get a connection - I...
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I have been searching and reached a dead end trying to find a particular version of a song by Squeeze. It was a limited edition release on green "flexi-disc" in the late 70s and is called "Wrong...
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Defamation results from an inaccurate or libelous published statement. Traditional defamation claims resulted from newspaper articles and through conversation. Today, the vast majority of defamation...
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I've just got a new Lenovo laptop which I really like, but when I tried to install OpenOffice I got the message: "For security and performance, Windows 10 in S mode runs Microsoft-verified apps. To...
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I have a small two bar electric fire which I have been using a lot this winter. It says 800W on the back so how much an hour is it costing me?
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What is the point? Its like testing people for flu now. The sooner the test kits are no longer free the better. This paranoia might then stop.
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Chapter Heading in a book - and involves French should it be: Tremolat - La Belle France or Tremolat - la Belle France A beautiful village with a great hotel some ways akin to our Kirkby...
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Quote from the UN website - The UN Charter provides for the suspension or expulsion of a member state which does not adhere to the Charter principles....
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The landline telephone works (but instead of continuous has an intermittent tone with approx one second bursts) but the moment I plug the internet router back into the ADSL splitter (plugged into main...
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Well if things had gone differently in 2019, we could have had Agent Cob running the country! A confirmed Russian agent! PMSL! Well that's when he wasn't attending Terrorists Funerals for a jolly up...
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On my Samsung phone, if I press the green logo bottom right, my list of contacts used to become alphabetical but they don’t now. The only way they become alphabetical is if I press the green logo and...

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