London gets £1.8Billion: // Transport for London (TfL) has secured a £1.8bn government bailout, to keep Tube and bus services running until March 2021. The funding will ensure TfL can address its...
Is it POSs to transfers the exact same number from an old bigger size so To a new micro sim? Work phone bust (water damage prob as was dropped in loo!) I have spare phones but they all Take micro...
British Gas have taken over my Ebico dual fuel account. So,I have logged into my new account on the iPad, I haven’t downloaded the app. But I can’t find a link where I can give them my meter readings....
Can anyone throw me a ball-park figure on the cost of their digital glasses.
-Can’t get a quote on their webpage without ‘committing’ yourself so to speak!...
Seems a fair few medical professionals agree with what I and a few other ABers have been saying for sometime only to be called covidiots by the worshipers of the great covid....
In Spain and Italy I have seen people put squash or soft drinks bottles, filled with water, on their doorsteps. I have been told that this is to deter cats or dogs, or both, from fouling the pavement...
What do you do with yours when it's time to throw them out? I have been washing ours but they are probably not much good now. Can I put them in the household waste bin? I doubt that they are...
Could someone please tell me what that man is saying on the new ASDA advwrt at the end?
I've seen it 50 times recently and I can't understand a word at the end....
I have a new computer pre installed with edge, but I want chrome. Every time I try to download chrome it instead offers me Microsoft edge from the same open source programme or some such words and I...
I need a bluetooth transmitter which DISPLAYS what devices are available. My ‘Golvery’ transmitter is fine, but doesn’t display what is near. My new Fender Newport only connects to a transmitter where...
Hi All, Probably no one will know the answer to this as its a bit of a specialist subject, i think, but worth a try. Recording a band, bought a device that connects to a computer, it has 4 inputs to...
I have been taking collagen tablets in order to reduce knee pain. they seem to have worked although I can't say with certainty that it isn't all in the mind. Until recently, the tablets were pure...