I apologise if this appears twice, but I thougth I had posted it already and it disappeared. My great aunt owned a bit of land. For about 15 years before she died she let the local village hall...
Can anyone answer this question ,my sisters partner (father of her child ) Died suddenly last Christmas owing the bank money on a loan he had. My sister did not have any share in his estate what he...
About 13 years ago got a CCJ against me , I have paid my ?1 a month that the court ordered all this time without fail , Last week I recieved a letter from a firm of " solicitors"...
Hi can anyone tell me how I would go about sueing the nhs for negligence, I am enquiring for my mum who has just lost her partner. One of the points is the staff placed an iv in his muscle instead of...
i need to know if its illegal for him to take my car away from me and i did not sign a lease or anything and he told me that if we didnt give him the car we had to be out that night and i rent by the...
My elder brother who is of questionable integrity is a main executor of my mother's will. How can I find out if he is being fair and equitable in dividing the assets? And is there any legal recourse...
My Ex-husband failed to pay our mortgage (which he did behind my Back) I first realised was when we had our house repossed. after sale of house the remaing dept was split 50/50 each of us owing approx...
My mother-in-law died recently and she named me and my sister-in-law executors of her will. My sister-in-law has exclude me from everything making decisions about her funeral etc, she has told the...
my employment as been terminated due to ill health i have had three admitions into hospital while sick from work and have been diagnosed with cancer my employer constantly phoned putting me under a...
My Dad has worked for a security firm,contracted by the Courts as a Manager for 10 years..excellent record,never been off sick etc Out of the blue today he was suspended and escorted off the premises...
i have a water dyke on my land . just up the road a constuction firm are about to build a bridge ovea a main highway , they tell me that they have the right to divert rain water in to the dyke , the...
My mother recently had a heart attack and has been left unable to walk more than about 150 meters without assistance and/or a rest. I have spoke to the Local Authority for advice, and as a result I'm...
in january of this year, i recieved two separate Penalty charge/parking tickets , for a vehicle privately registered to me ,I scrapped the car, the penalty charge/parking tickets, i still havent paid,...
My 2nd husband has run up debts without my knowledge and now his creditors have applied to put a charge on my house. I only put him on the mortgage three and a half years ago, and I have lived here...
what is the law regarding public liability when a friend of the builder does work that later causes a problem I.E. a pipe leaks and floods a room, the man who fitted the pipes was not covered by...
I asked a question a while back about lack of trust in the executor of a will and I am afraid that my worst thoughts about him are coming true. I suspect he is trying to defer his own tax liability by...
Basically we had gotten behind with the council tax, but just managed to pay this off, or so we thought. It seems there was still some owed. My husband has just received an attachment of earnings...
In my deeds there is an easement for my neighbours sewage to drain into my septic tank. Environmental health condemed the tank and requested both properties have a BioDisk system installed. We have...