If you enter into a six month short hold tenancy agreement, do you have to live (or at least pay) for the six months? I want to find rented accommodation, but not for as long as 6 months. I don't want...
I am buying a house and now discovered that the conservatroy and the new roof may not have planning permission. My solicitor has requested for an indemnity policy from the seller. My question/s; How...
I began a tenancy on 1st July. My landlady informed me that under new government rules that came in in April, we have to pay a fee for deposit protection. I am one of three tenants in a shared house....
my partner declared himself bankrupt in may with personal debts. he was told no further action was to be taken as he had no assets. he has recieved a letter for HM.Revenue and Custon saying his tax...
Hi - Can anyone advise on my rights ? I called British Gas (on 26.06.07) to make an appointment , for a meter inspection to take place between 8am-12pm on the 2nd July 2007. This inspection was...
Hi Themas - thanks for your response. Have spoken with my ex husband's girlfriend and she has his will. He has made her the executor of his will and she is going to let me have a copy of it as my son...
A friend of mine who rents a house signed a 6 month tenancy Agreement in Feb 07. He left the property 4 months into the agreement after buying a house. He did not give the landlord the required notice...
I have 9 acres of land, but a previous owner holds a covenant over the land to stop a dwelling being built on it. I have been told there are loopholes in covenants, do you know of any loopholes which...
Is there a website that will explain this as we have just purchased an apartment and the agents are trying to charge us the excess service charge for the previous year
We bought our house freehold. But when we tried to erect a boundary fence on our drive the owner of next door complained to the council. The council say conditions of the planning state that we must...
my sister has a 6 month old baby, and her boyfriend lives with her and earns up to 21K a year. she doesn't get working tax credits and gets ?21 a week child tax credit and ?17 child allowance, but...
Does anyone know if I have a case for constructive dismissal, I work for a company where I sit in a room next to a group of colleagues and one of my colleagues, who incidentally I sit next to has...
I recently applied for a civillian position in my local police force and despite making it through to the final stage interview, I received a call to say that I had been rejected for the position....
We have a 4 bedroomed chalet bungalow and an annexe attached where my disabled mother lived until she died 2 years ago. The annexe was exempt from council tax because of my mother's disability. My...
please help - my sister and i still live in the family home and have done so for 68 yrs. i am 80 this month and my sister is 65. our other sister who inherited the house from another brother, died 2...
My sister got made redundent 2day on the spot with out any warnings, her boss's reasons 4 this was financial problems and he could not afford to pay her wages, she worked in a little high street...
Hi Posters: I need to seek some advise regarding to buying a business to run. The current business owner employs a few part times and 2 full time staffs. My concern is that because some of the staffs...
and my name is still on the mortgage of the property we lived in when married. He had an affair but would not leave so we did and ended up in rented accommodation and have bee here for 5 years. He was...
I have been talking to this girl from Russia and she said that she will come over to England and her aunt who lives in england will send her the money to come over, now she said that her aunt is in...
if a home owner gives a nighbour right of way on there property in the transfer deeds can they remove the right of way legaly.a shared path has been removed 5 years after the person aquired the...