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Mrs O is touched by all the messages she has received by text and email wishing her well. She's still in hospital and too ill and weak to reply to you all but wants you to know how grateful she is for...
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This morning I woke up with a worried feeling after a dream in which I had sold my house and bought another house without actually having seen it. In the dream I was in the last stages of moving...
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Did anyone find this whole wedding thing soooo stressfull? I feel like are squabbling loads because the wedding is weeks away! Im snowed under! Probs isnt helping that i didnt have a great start to...
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I've just bought some magnesium supplement capsules that are HUGE...2.5cm long. I will never be able to swallow them...can I empty the contents into my food? They are supposed to be taken after a...
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This man is somewhat out of date and needs to modernise his opinions as well as cut!!...
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our friend Excelsior, who, sadly does not post these days , has informed me that, after 12 months, he has now secured suitable full time permanent employment..I am sure he would like those of you who...
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Why does she have to make idiots out of us oldies? Been retired a good 20 years always been a busy person, cope with most things life throws at you, but just lately the old devil is making my feet...
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from October 2015, if you have a passenger under 18 years old. As if the police, haven't got enough to do, unless we are going to have car smoking detectors.....
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My son asked what the red 'i' in Lidls represented, if anything. Does anyone know? Thanks
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I thinkits my sinuses!! Unwell midweek with a high temp & rigoring & sore throat! I thought i was my tonsils again!! Im really blocked up & cant taste anything. Developed a big sore on my noseaswell....
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Its my hen do!... Abroad! Woohoo!! Flight leaves 8am im trying to sleep but my friends are coming for some fizz at 4am and some food! Eeek xx...
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I've been prescribed the above, 2 per day. I'm on the second day so have taken 4. My main problem is I've got such a dreadful taste in my mouth that nothing can disguise. Is there anything I can do to...
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Could you tell me any opinions please? "PIN-UP" theme party... NOT expecting folks to come in undies with tummys on show lol... So would say 50s but i dont mean "pink ladies from grease" Place will be...
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Frustrating I know, cats poo in gardens, often other peoples. I've been on the receiving end before we had cats and accepted it as part and parcel of modern life. We have 2 cats which no doubt do the...
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Hey there... not sure how many remember me on here but for those who do... I finally got my spinal fusion [and generally clear out of scar tissue from previous disectomys [sp] at the beginning of...
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A while ago i told some of you that i was doing a walk to raise money for the local hospice and some of you kindly sponsored me!! Just to let you know there is over £1200 online Sponsors and we...
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Palm side , base of my index finger! Sore when pressed or grasping things such as steering wheel- not visible to the eye but feels hard & painfull... Pea sized!? Ganglion? What do you think! X...
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Any idea where to get a replacement water tank? Its a tassimo suny tas32xx Never used it just bought online and its cracked x...
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Wednesday. A cloudy start again. Some wind blowing things about, not too bad though.Not a great deal to do today, A load of washing on, so might get a bit done i the garden later...then again I might...
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my friend was unable to get an erection so he went to see his doctor and he was given some viagra. I was speaking to him a couple of days ago, and he said that he had taken a viagra an hour before...

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