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Tiny E. A

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jus some gal
I know this may sound really trivial, & of course I have other problems of a greater magnitude. But I was just popping down the local shops, & from the opposite side of the road I herd voices...
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how is she a celebrity, ive never seen her before
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My daughters dad only started seeing her when she was 4. He would visit one night a week for a couple of hours, but really only sat on the sofa and didn't really do much with her, probably because it...
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My wife thinks I am having an affair. Simple as that. I am cheating on her and I must leave. Although I am in fact NOT cheating on her!
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I just found a live bee in my garage. Is this a record? I do not live near any hives or apiaries. Should they not be dead or hibernating or something?
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Who do you want to see leave the house and why?
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what is the music that john travolta and uma thurman are dancing to
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What's the most annoying advert you can remember? At the moment - it has to be that insurance one with Michael Winner on it - I don't know what company it's for because I have to turn it over as soon...
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anyone watch shamless last night? Did you see Jamie!! hes a beauty does anyone no of his real name please tia x
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Sorry i know this has been discussed to the max.. but i am just sat here watching tonights, and am just wondering...........wheres the couldron?? those 3 witches are total and utter b****rds, its...
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What do you all have planned for later today?... I think I'll stay in and spend a couple of hours buffing my helmet to a fine shine... always good for the body & soul... ...before jumpin' on my...
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I posted a question last week about how insecure my wife was becoming over my secretary. Anyway, I took all of your comments on board and I took my wife out for a romantic meal over the weekend, it...
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genocide is murder of the masses. similar to homocide except on a much larger scale.
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hi guys just wondering if there is a certainfilm uve watched in excess of ten times,without tiring of it and cant see yourself EVER tiring of thanx.
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Last night there was a new M&S food advert, but the voice over wasn't Dewla Kerwin (sorry about poor spelling). WHo was it - she wasn't as good!
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becky h
Does anyone understand the walkers baked crisps advert. where all those ships are pulling england to jamaica??
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In the new ad were people sit and talk on a couch in the that guy Sgt Matthew Boyden from the bill? this bloke..
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This is on tonight at 10pm, Shame its not for real, but we live in hope.
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1) Drink pints 2) Be drunk in public 3) Pretend to be hard 4) Try to dominate men 5) Eat in public (except restaurants) 6) Never say the f or c word 7) Smoke anything (ummmmmmm, you have disappointed...
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k people i want others opinions on the last episodes .. im soo happy to see capt jack and ianto have a bit of romance and in episode twelve wif captain jack and captain jack ! lol gimme opinions!!

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