Watched the dvd saturday night, it was very good. Unfortunately I fell asleep just before the end - can anyone tell me - did Rose jump off the cliff with Pinkie?
Do you enjoy true story movies, biographies etc, I prefer these to other movies probably because I read true life stories. Watched Switched at Birth, The Elizabeth Smart Story, to name just a few,...
Rather fed up with the present Saturday TV programmes, I decided to search my DVD archives and I came across a copy of 'The One That Got Away'. This is a black & white film of a true story about a...
Quite enjoy watching this until this episode.... It was advertised as an ex army chef trying to impress three ladies for a dinner date..except is was for a gay date Each to their own an all that but...
He says the character are weak, theres no big names left and certainly no fun factor, but he has suggested, if the money was right he would return like Bobby Ewing did???? Is this as daft as the...
If anyone's thinking of seeing the above film with Brad Pitt and Sean Penn, don't bother, it's absolute rubbish. The photography is good, but that's about all - four people walked out when I was...
ok, so we already give £20 each annually - or so it says on another thread. anyone care to dig a little deeper ?
Baring in mind it's supposed to be the most important meal of the day, it surprises me how many people just don't bother with anything at all before they go out - not even a hot drink!
anyone else watching it?
its about that fabulous, lovely young 3ft 11' girl, who is a carer for her mum.
she was on a little while ago, and this is a follow up on her...
This has got to be the worst reality TV programme I have ever seen, and cant understand why Biggins is doing the talk-over, its not as though he needs the money!!!!
When is Coach Trip coming back?...
Dont know about anyone else, but i am getting a bit sick of murky murdoch, phone tapping, police bungs,cameron employing shifty characters, the whole episode lurches from one lurid headline to another...