does anyone know of a nice area about 30 mins drive away form cardiff for a young couple to rent, with quite an active community and all the necessary facilities?
My father's nieghbour gave my father a strip of land around 8 inches wide by 25 feet long at the front of the garden, this allowed my father access around his house, and my father gave the nieghbour a...
im dying to get a tattoo on my lower back ive never had one done yet. ive asked many people to describe the pain. some say burning, other say like an itch needing a scratch,others say like stikin a...
Do you think that woman have the rights that we deserve? I know we have more rights, but we still don't get the respect that we should get. Some people still think that woman should just stay at home...
I have 3 house cats who use a litter tray in the garage. I have never had any problems with them until I moved at the end of last year, since then, two of them wee in the corner of my kitchen and by...
Why is it legal for people to let their cats wander and defecate on other peoples gardens? if dogs have to be on leads and their owners have to clean up the mess, why not cats?
my cat biscuit the little cat is opening a grooming service all the outher cats round here are coming in she goes up to them and licks them for ages y would she do this plz soemone tell me
if you commite an a offence and have been charged with serious asault but this happened when u where 16 years old who long does it stay on your record?When it does clear can i join the police force?