25% US tariffs on Canadian steel have been increased to 50%...oh hang on stop press, they haven't. BBC News - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/cly412xwz44t Canada tariffs updates: White House halts... ...
https://news.sky.com/story/uk-to-defend-ukraine-peace-deal-with-coalition-of-willing-starmer-says-13320159 It looks like Europe has got the message that NATO is doomed, and is attempting to act... ...
OK, the labour representative has said nuculer when I think he means nuclear about a hundred times and it's annoying the sheet out of me. There's no particular question. I just had to vent.
BBC News - Decoding Donald Trump's new official portrait https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy4mmrr7j8mo What do we think. Democracy in safe hands? Stable genius? Bear in mind this is the official... ...
Has apparently issued a cease and desist on the pm for saying she crashed the economy. Fun fact - She's allegedly known as lettuce Liz because she lasted fewer days in office than a lettuce takes... ...
Matt Gaetz (attorney general) is under investigation for various sex offences. BBC News - What to know about the Matt Gaetz allegations https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cew2z48rp70o Is this a wise... ...
Working in a warehouse and working in a shop are surely completely different jobs. Why should the pay rates be expected to be the same? BBC News - 'We did it!' Next shop workers win equal pay claim...
It's not a question, sorry. I just wanted to share this informative site to those of us that are interested in the forthcoming election. https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/homepage.html ...
BBC News - Ex-Post Office boss regrets 'missed opportunity' to halt Horizon scandal https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-68792637 He 'didn't read the report'. Yeah OK mate.... ...