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I'm not quite sure of all the details, but it seems Caroline's death was partly brought about by obtrusive police, who instead of cautioning her, insisted the case went to the CPS.
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I vaguely remember my first day of working for a living - but I do remember that was not a great day. PD Max seems to have had an excellent day. ☺...
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My guess is that the Government want to kick start the construction industry and thereby provide employment for many. However, is relaxing the planning application going to do this? Personally I do...
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ToraToraTora I think the Home sec has done the right thing in...
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and gandhi did mmm what for britain? to get his face on currency, would he think it was crass, as he walked around in rags...poverty and all that....
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I see that Führer Donald is proposing to use emergency powers to stay in power when he loses the Election....
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… and received no message of thanks, would you ask the recipient if they’d arrived? A while ago I received a beautiful bouquet. The printed note attached said simply, ‘With love from an old friend’,...
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andy-hughes - just click the 'Free Browse' button. This piece gives pause for thought -...
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andy-hughes Of course, this may be the next in a long line of pointless revenue-generating non-stories for 'Tommy'....
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For a long time I have been watching the trial of Vitaly Orlov/Norebo. Has anyone heard of this situation? If not, here's the source -...
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and you may get government help via vouchers to get them back on the road. good Idea?
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Consider if the virus eventually wipes out most of the ill, infirm and old. Removing all emotion and any religious thoughts for the moment, would that benefit society and the population as a whole?...
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johnny.5 will it prompt price rises ? will it be elitist food burgers /fish fingers ? Lepetomane: “Gentlemen, this bill will be a giant step forward in the treatment of...
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Went into a Kingston on Thames newsagent yesterday, man in front of me didn’t have a mask, lady behind me didn’t have a mask. Guy behind counter had one, as did I, but he didn’t say a word to them....
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webbo3 what kind of parent buys their child one of these at the moment, if he took it out of the house he could have been shot, and BB guns do fire...
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Adverts are a pain. Most are drivel but the odd one or two are awesome. Please post your nominations.
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Ok who else had to go and look up who this is?
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How likely is it that those returning will comply?
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IS this the of beginning of - virus or pandemic the start of the Armageddon which is talking about in Revelation 6-8 deadly plague
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Lass agreed to sex after he told her he was infertile. This was a lie. Is this rape ? The learned judge thinks not. Personally I think it is....

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