woke frenzy continues at the beeb, the major words simply will not do..cleansing begins.
Remember how Brexiteers promised us we would be swamped with immigrants if we stayed in EU. Looks like they got that wrong too, figures have doubled since Brexit (according to the Daily Telegraph, so...
No link I'm afraid. The man seems to like to spend (waste) money so long as it keeps him in the news. Commission to examine statues with slavery links - however tenuous' block of flats in Vauxhall for...
The wee un is on Sky right now:
This question was the main headline on the front of the Daily Mail on Saturday, Feb 27th followed up by a 4-page feature inside. Relatives of some dead people are angry because they say their deceased...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-56075528 ....but it's underpinned by barbarity. Dunno how they have the cheek to keep telling us what a wonderful tourist destination it is! Ask this guy...
Do difficult times draw you closer to God or repel you from Him? People respond to tragedy in different ways, some turn to God and find some solace in Him, others are so angry or hurt they turn away...
I hope that he will be okay but at his age ...
Isn't it a fantastic achievement for Boris' Vaccine Taskforce, now having vaccinated more UK residents that the entire 27 countries of the EU combined have done for theirs? Lots of men & women deserve...
Table service only in pubs and restaurants worked very well last time and there was no evidence of excessive transmission of the virus. Is it because that having fun is now frowned upon and that we...
Boris would like us all to clap for Sir Tom tonight at 6pm. Much as I admire what he did, and think the amount he helped raise was phenomenal, I won’t be, as I think it’s pointless. The poor old chap...
with all the loss of life tragedy, and schools jobs etc are you proud to british
thinking were te first to be vaccined and invention, harks back to, again
british inventions leading the world......
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9179599/SNP-tells-Boris-Johnson-hell-need-LEGAL-action-wants-stop-second-independence-vote.html Why is the SNP wasting effort and resources on pursuing an...
I would go back to when I was 14 and I would tell myself to ignore the two boys beside me because I will trip fall and bang my head against the locker. I would also tell my 18 year old self (if I had...