Any help with the Picture This puzzle in issue 45 - Gent's photo (don't know who it is), + a black bird could be a rook, raven, crow + telephone. Any help would be appreciated as I haven't a clue!!!...
Am stuckon this one - letters I have are tdytahofmache The answer is a celebrity - photo is on page but I cannot name her. Any help much appreciated. TIA
Am left with two dog questions - can anyone give any suggestions for dog breeds which fit the clues - A barbecued lion?, Akilted climber? Any suggestions welcome. TIA
Answers are all dog breeds - any help much appreciated as I am well and truly stuck! Queen's cross Stone building Pass and fib - could this be Spaniel??? Has it got horns Round the edge Cloths drier A...
Sorry this is completely ott but I don't know where else to ask?? Does anyone know what was the song played in the background when Shadrack was walking by the river in Emmerdale? Thanks
I read this topic allthe time but have never asked anything and wonder if someone can help me with this query. My cousin was killed in France during the War - not sure of the date but it must have...