Colourful interfering old person (7,5) Answer is related to fish or aquatic life, I believe alphabetically it comes between Puffer and Ray. Thanks to anyone in advance, boogie2
And before you say anything, i .know. how employment recognises bank holidays. i.e It doesn't To follow on from this response...... 'Public holidays have no significance whatsoever in employment law....
Does anyone have any experience of claiming Attendance Allowance for an elderly relative? Just completed the 'long' form and wondered how long it will take? Thanks
19a shares in cultivated patches of land (10) 12a wizened tree in wellington? no, just some salad plants (8) 27a not able to survive in lab i've discovered (8) 2d see building (9) 6d with training, pa...
5AC CONICAL mountain, often paired with Suilven. (6) 9ac Angus town with eponymous Basin. (8) 15ac Island where Stella McCartney was married (4) 17ac Fishing and ferry port at the end of the road to...
I've got ?a?t?p - laptop? Can't see an answer here also 7a, theatre number - I got "anaesthetic" just by the letter pattern, but not sure why it is the right answer - can someone explain...
Does anyone know any dentist in East Midlands (near Leicester Hinckley area) that clean and polish your teeth while doing check up? My dentist always did that when I lived up north. Now I moved to...