How much can your weight vary depending on the time of say? a pound? several pounds? When is the best time of day to weight yourself to be most accurate? Thanks
Hi all. I have a pair of light stonewashed jeans that I would like to darken. Is this possible?, if so could somebody please give an absolute novice a step by step guide?! Thanks
My coal hole cover has vanished, every time it rains water is entering my cellar. I've tried placing a concrete slab over it but this has not quelled the stream. I would be quite happy for a permanent...
To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent. happy saturday to you all while my fella went out today i thought (never...
Who has had one of 'those' moments? Last year I was sitting chatting with my six year old daughter, when she suddenly said 'Dad, what's a penis?' I did a reasonable job of not looking like a...
Hi folks! Well, due to a huge disappointment involving a blender (don't, I decided to have a glass of wine. Now, the one glass has magically turned into half a bottle, and I've just...
I am suggesting we have a sub section whereby people can leave a contact IM - posting details only and with no answers. Like (for example) Ummmmm is blah-blah@ blah de blah; zimzam is...
am i alone?? am i the only person that doesnt go out on fri night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ho hum right no more tea for me or i will be needing to wee till 3 you see ive got a bad knee and i lost my key...
Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse are getting a divorce and it has gone to the courts. Minnie's lawyer is questioning Micky and the lawyer says: "You cannot divorce Minnie just because she has buck teeth"...
Do i take things too personally? My gf likes to pick fun at me, and says stuff like "I'm going out with a gay" And always apears to want to make me look stupid, by patronising me. I love her to bits...
Sorry I am about to steal another thread. There is no way I am going to tell you, but the first person to guess how many sexual partners I have had I will donate 50 GBPs to the charity of your choice....
Mrs Bananahater seems to be totally addicted to reality shows....Big Brother, That dancin thing etc etc. I wouldnt mind so much but its all she seems to talk about. I have tried to talk to her about...
my sister inlaws just text me asking if im out sat night as on monday shes starting a liquid diet to loose weight what does that mean all shell be doing is drinking instead of eating