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In the year 2000, Bobby Robson famously condemned Keegan for omitting which player from his Euro 2000 squad?
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Which cricket term also means 'Something incidental or secondary" Thanks
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please help...... I thinks it may be called "Killing time"?? Who's it by, anyone know?
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Well, what do you think? Hope the Anfield game is on the Beeb rather than Sky...
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agnes johnst
who was 1998 commonwealth men's 200m champion first name -u-i-n second name -o-d-n-
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Anyone know Marco Mendoza's date of birth?
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this club tune was popular in the 80's its intro hammers out iether a glockenspiel or tubular bells then dips into a slow deep electro groove, with ocasional robotic sounding lyrics, unfortunately i...
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I've always wondered this - does anyone know?
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Hypothetical at this point, I know, but if the Firearms Police Officers involved in the Menezes shooting are charged with criminal offences, the rest of the trained officers could, and most probably...
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Which European royal is known as 'l'americain ' by his people?
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what exactly he is trying to rest his players for? surely the fa cup is worth winning? he already went out of the league cup you would have thought the fa cup would have been important to him
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Hiya I had a rubbish new year this year, didnt even bother going out. Next year we have all said where gonna go away somehwere, anyone got any suggestions? Or anyone been anywhere this time and found...
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True or false.
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Hi, Looking for the final answer to Fridays Crossword. Clue is: Peak near Langholm sounds like Margarets lower leg (3,5) M?G ?H?N? I'm guessing the answer is Meg Shins, but I can't find it anywhere on...
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in the 1966 christmas special of not only but also, who played the part of Dan the toilet commissionaire in the tv series All in the game, who was the footballer Darren Matthews supposed to be based...
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Clue 'Forty nine out for a duck' t-o -c-r- Is it 'two score'? If so, can anyone help me with an explanation. T.I.A.
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Who are the youngest ever goalscorers in all 4 English divisions?
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Ships engaged in coastal trade _O_S _ _ R_ Thanks in advance
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Can anyone tell me the title of the cowboy junkies hit single from around the early nineties that mentioned john wayne???
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Stu in USA
Having just watched a repeat of the Arsenal v Man U game, was wondering if anyone agrees that Graham Poll (sp?) is the currently the best Premiership referee?

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