(1) Headware for head of the city(6) ??r??? (2)Went against the current trend? (6) ??d??? (3)Well content in wonderland(7)????c?? (4) Rusian beer half a dozen go up for (6) ????i? (5)Improved on the...
What has happened to Appletrees two postings. They seem to have been eliminated. Perhaps he should have asked for help last month or even in early September.?
Now that sanity (relatively) and clarity have returned, can I beg help on 2 which have flummoxed me? 56D Affect suddenly or acutely (5) ?E???; and its neighbour, 63A State of noisy excitement (5)...
Disappearing Act ! I came home last night at around mid-night and had a quick look at Q & P before going to bed. I hazarded a guess that one of the answers wanted was angle eider - (sounds like hang...
First names to appear in the answer: 1. Slang word for loafing or idling (4 letters) 2. Foreigner, Traveller, Immigrant (9 letters) Can anyone offer any help, clues, answers, to these two questions...
1 Testing allowed we hear 4 4 2 and a growth to get you flapping 9 3 3 mulberries were an essential ingredient of this 9 8 best seller from a jailbird 8 8 if anyone can help i would be grateful
i have finally given up on this weeks listener i have got the theme and connected it with a lot of my answers i dont want to know any answers but i am very intrigue to know: 17 across which i have...
A type of arbitrary taxation, once levied by kings on the towns and lands of the Crown. (7ltrs) t-l-a-e I'm not sure whether it is tollage or tillage. Could anyone help me please. Four Clubs.
I've tried to keep out of this arguement, but today I recieved a quiz and I've just come on site and I see somebodies already posting questions. I mean it's a bit much, especially as the quiz dont...
Just two left now and drawing a blank, so help would be appreciated. Blair, Wilson, Ramsey McDonald, Baldwin, Brown. Skink, Guppy, Goby, Snapper, Mollie Many thanks in advance
77. I have an answer for this one but not sure if it is right if I say the second word refers to collective noun for lions could someone please tell me if I am OK. Thanks a lot.
I'm sorry, I should have included this last quiz question on the post I sent a few minutes ago. I don't drink cider so haven't got a clue. Which organisation presents an annual award for the Cider of...