my kid sister's window wipers arnt working. they squirt water but they wont wipe both back and front. does anyone know what the problem maybe before we book it into the garage? my dads good with cars...
I've had the same insurers for my dog for his whole life. It's never occurred to me to change insurers like I do with car and home insurance. He's had a lot of ailments and he'll be 9 soon. How smart...
Hi. I really need to lose around 1.5 - 2 stone. I'm 38 and feel washed out and fat. I have to admit I am lazy too, i have early morning starts, where i do cleaning & school run; then work all day,...
My cocker spaniel is 7 and a half months old. We want to have her spayed before her first season (as more health benefits). Can she get it done at this early age? Also she has a really really lovely...
where can i but a swimming costume the all in one type that have shorts instead of the regular type. im going to the sandcastle in blackpool next weekend and im a sixe 14/16 so need one asap dont...
Hi I have a overweight rabbit and does look cute being so fat but will not be good for it. it gets plenty of excersise and as a food treat every few days but still is fat. Can anyone tell me what I...
I was taken by paramedics yesterday to hospital with deep lacerations to my hand after I tripped and put my hand through a glass door pane. My forefinger was slashed at the base and had glass embedded...
My friend and I were just on the Wii fit and my BMI fortunatley was in ideal but hers was in obese. I wouldn't have said that myself by looking at her but she is always pretty paranoid about it. Does...
hi i got an implant in my arm three years ago on november thats when it needs to b takeing out but i have a problem, all this time when i had it in my periods have been messed up badly like i can be...
I've got the implant and I know it can make you put on weight but how quickly does it make you put on weight? Do you notice it within a month or longer. I've had the implant for 2 years and have put...
i got married last month and im making thank you cards. having a bit of trouble with the wording inside the card. im making 1 card to say thanks for all the kind gifts from people who did not come to...