Can you tell if people are genuine by the way they smile. Or are you fooled by the spoofers of this world.Take the test.Can you suss out the genuine smile...(:O)?????this one's for real....! here
Evening Folks... just wondering, can you knock up a CD and select a playlist,and send it to Media Player, from Limewire's Library.Or can you download from limewire to a blank CD.....Only me Kazza...
Come to that ,Where's Raith,Are gentle Scottish guy....if yer new on here,yer wont remember Raith,he was a lovely thoughtfull nice guy,and he always had time fer anybody.. ,you dont know how to say...
This was done with paint bombs on a glasgow housing estate....about to be demolished.So the question is,do you fancy having your house done..tic.. wow (:o)
This is a great song/video from a great Movie.... here This is the theme music/video by Ennio Morricone.From a brilliant Film... play loud ::~~(((*_*)))~~::