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I had an answer today which was removed. It only appeared twice, though no fault of my own, as it didn't go to the site the first time I pressed "submit" and was still sitting in the answer box so I...
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Is it only us Brits that are good at it, Amreicans cannot seem to understand it
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I just replied to a question and because I accidently submitted my post twice it came up immediately that my answer ..or one of them (the same one repeated ) was banned.I am not all that...
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I saw a post on B&S where he stated that it was his birthday.......... so............... HAPPY BIRFFFFFFFFFFFFDAY OCTAVIUS!!!! Have a good un :-) xxxxxx
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Most gracious and esteemed AB Ed, what happened to the FAQs? They don't tell you how to format your post any more. Lots of them have gone... weren't the Qs being A'd F enough?
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Hi Ed - I know this has been mentioned several times already but there are worse repeats on here! In My Profile, Threads I'm Involved With, would it please be possible to make the Last Answer the...
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it was first launched on 12 april 1981. what was it
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from what i have read recently chatterbank was not very sucessfull but does anyone think it could be tried again.?
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When using the ?Contact us ? facility .... either to the Ed or the Techies ... Does an Aber expect to receive a reply? or, Is AB Suggestions the only forum where a response from the Ed wil appear?
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Bleeding things keep disintegrating when I try to fry them. Is there anything that I may be doing wrong?
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Is it just me or does this category devalue/bring down the ambience and purpose of this fine website. it seems like a meeting place for teenagers. Half of the time no questions are asked; the other...
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Are you there Ed? Can you put down your Pimms & strawberries a minute please & tell us why Vinny 100_2 has been sent to the dungeon. I think he's going stir crazy & is sending bizarre notes via the...
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Are they a waste of money or a valuable way of getting more fruit and veg into the diet. Bear in mind the unused Breadmaker, donut maker and food processor
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Does anyone else want me to have one for them while I'm there? Save you moving?
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Ed ... Can't we have an option to block user entries from being displayed?... that way we would only have to listen to what the intelligent people have to say. thanks .. Naz xx
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Are there any cyber cafes or places to access the internet in and round croyde bay area - im going on holiday there and need to be able to access the internet while down there
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where is she
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AB Editor
In one sentence. Or two. I need a sentence that encapsulates what the AB is all about and I've hit a wall. Any suggestions?
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Who were the best?!!

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