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Please can I appeal to dog owners to keep their dogs at home in this heat, they are much better off in the shade with a bowl of water than going to the shops or for walks in the heat of the day, my...
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I know... a very obvious thread. But I always double take when the car temp reading is 30 degrees in this country!! My parents have just returned from Majorca and it was 2 degrees warmer in England...
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> A Vicar's wife was expecting a baby, so he stood before the Bishop and asked for arise in his wages. > After much discussion, he passed a rule that whenever the Vicar's family expanded; so would his...
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I got a letter from Canada this am to say I had won the Euromillions £ 800.000.00 , Considering I don't do euromillions here far less in Canada , how do they get your name and address, I thought...
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A little girl realised that she had grown hair between her legs. She was worried and asked her mother about ‘that hair.’ Her mum calmly said – “That is your secret place, which we now refer to...
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D. Telegraph today reports that a girl has been killed by a shark whilst she was swimming in the sea off La Reunion (Indian Ocean). In response, local fishermen have been summoned to kill c. 20...
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Several days ago as I left a meeting at a hotel; I desperately gave myself a personal TSA pat down. I was looking for my keys. They were not in my pockets. A quick search in the meeting room revealed...
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This programme looked promising at first but trying to understand and make sense of it has become ridiculous. Anyone else agree?
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She is getting more comical, loved her quote from Blanche last night, "It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to hoover it!" Classic....
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Does anyone really give two hoots about either women's football or the Royal baby? And if so why?
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don't panic, via bbc news the 14 hospitals which have been investigated for poor quality services ( including high death rates ) are to have managers put in place to manage and oversee the managers....
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I have a NINE month kitten who already is bringing to me mice,bird chicks, and full grown birds which he has caught and killed. Is this usual for someone so young.? Although upsetting to see the...
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What boxxocks Corrie has become! This racism storyline is pathetic! Over the top load of nonsense! And also its the same old story, the white man portraid as the nasty racist and the blackman is the...
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It's been almost too good to be true. How have you been spending your sunshine?...
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Did anyone else almost miss what Paul said? If I heard correctly it didn't sound that bad to me, it wasn't a remark directed at Lloyd either. I struggled to understand why such a huge storyline has...
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God save the Queen from the rubbish which is on BBC1 at the moment
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I just want to share this with you. For years now we have had blackbirds tapping the kitchen window for currants. This morning, a thrush did the same, we were amazed. Maybe not unusual, but it made my...
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......... and his dear wife. Hope I have the date correct Jack? I expect you will both be celebrating your extra special wedding anniversary together in the care home where your wife now lives, I hope...
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mikey4444 This kind of thing makes my blood boil ! What kind of idiot would do this ?...
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Was interested to see the following article in The Independent: It seems that the...

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