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Is the preserved body of Lenin still on public display outside the Kremlin, Red Square, Moscow or did they give him a proper funeral after the fall of the Iron Curtain?
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What's the difference bettween a Dentist and an Orthodontist?
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What does the "B" and the "Q" stand for in the DIY chain?
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Is it any coincidence that the Simpsons character Mayor Quimby looks like our very own Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott?
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What are all Hienze's 57 varieties?
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Having watched the MOBO's last night on TV would it be racist to have a MOWO (Music Of White Origin) awards??
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Where is the worst place to live in Britain? Im going for Rotherham (South Yorks) because it has the highest rate of teenage pregnancies in the UK and now mums are passing their kids junk food...
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Is it right to compare "The Robster" with Cliff Richard? Both are unmarried and are unlikely ever to be.. Both appeal to the young and old alike. Both have tried and failed miserably to crack America....
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What does it mean when a firm goes into "Administration"?
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4 months early I know but... Turkey?? Was the country named after the bird or the bird after the country?
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How do Lava Lamps work? and what is the stuff thats inside them??
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This question has been buggin' me for ever and eternity... So staticians state that toast will always land butter side down and that cats will always land on their feet. So what would happen if you...
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Which is the smartest of the sexes? Men or women?
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Are human beings the only living creatures that knows it will die one day??
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Today I saw an amazing looking girl at the supermarket.. I wanted to tell her how much I fancied her. (maybe poof of love at first sight) but alas I didnt have the nerve or courage to approach her...

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