Can you name a song with a girls name in it. if this thread isn't scrunched up and thrown away in the bin,,,,lol we will follow with a boys name. No clever bu**ers coming in with Happy Birthday to...
Can someone please explain to me what the Ghurkas are in relation to the 'regular' British army? I ask, because in a thread over the past couple of days, I read that they were no more entitled to stay...
Hey AB people, Why is a mars day longer? (It's for homework and I can't find it on Google) . First one to find it gets an online chocolate bar. Thanks.
In a toilet Toilet out of order please use floor below In a Laundry Automatic washing machines, please remove all your clothes when the light goes out In a store Bargain basement upstairs In an office...
4 teachers in my school are performing this week in their own rock band for the year 11 review before the year 11 go off on exam leave. we need a name for them. they are all male, and a play on words...
I'm watching some daft film on Channel 5 about Faeries and Leprechauns. Seems the Faerie Princess is in love with a Leprechaun. I was wondering, if they got it together and had children, what would...
Having outbid me on Ebay, Faruq Abdul took delivery of Nan's teeth, and he and his camel, Habib Gamali, were said to be delighted with the new choppers. Sadly, an as-yet-unspecified strain of Ruminant...
My nan just sneezed with more force than a concorde take-off, and her teeth just shot right out of her head. They went whizzing by so fast, we didn't get a chance to see in which direction they were...
It has been suggested that the taxpayer would get more value for money from MPs if they were paid to attend the commons in place of expense claims and 2nd homes. The salary of an MP is approx ?66,000...
I was driving home along a busy main road approaching my house. I indicated left to pull into my drive, slowed down and began to turn into my drive. I had seen a motorbike behind me travelling very...
Another St George day is over. 1111698_st_george_celebrations_turn_ugly Do the English not know how to behave themselves, and celebrate their christian...
That expression makes me go "urgh" - because of the profession I'm in I supose - it gives me weird imagery. What expression or phrase don't you like - & why?
I share a garden with my neighbour who has a cat. He scratches and messes in the gravel and my herbs. Any cheap tips to stop him whilst at the same time keeping peace?