About your financial situation, if anything at all? I was just wondering as the other night mrwarpig was on the phone to his folks and he preceded to tell them exactely what his brother had coming in,...
Some of you will remember I contacted Antoni Savage who played the dreadlocked stripper - I emailed him through his facebook and told him he had brightened my day with his performance on the Street. I...
Anyone packed yet? Well obviously I havent, but then again I havent started my antenatal classes yet either (dont ask, they forgot about me). So what should I pack? this is what I have come up with so...
Morning ladies and a happy new year. Just back from Ireland and saw midwife yesterday. she is sending me for a growth scan today as height of fundus has not changed since measured at 28 weeks (29 cm),...
Hello, just to let you know I gave birth Monday Morning at 2:01am to a 9lb 2oz baby boy! I went into hospital on Wednesday because I was spotting. Thursday I found out I was 2cm dialated. Friday went...
Well , I don't know what to think. It kept me awake with a sick shakey feeling last night and I just have to spill it out to you as I know a lot of you won't mind listening to my little worries. Last...
Have I missed the point of these 'gifts' that are given by other people on your behalf. Here's the scenario. You turn up at my house on Christmas Day to be greeted with a glass of something and a...
Up until about 15 weeks I didn't think I would be keeping my baby and during that time I had some alcohol. I never had more than 1 glass in a day and other than maybe once or twice they were quite...
hi, just to let everyone know that baby maya arrived on wednesday night by emergency c-section, 3 weeks early but thankfully healthy and weighing in at 5 lb 14 oz .....xxx
i cant see anything and im typing this from memory of the keyboard. its all dark and im having to feel around. it came on suddenly . anyone got any ideas whats wrong with me? i tried calling the...
what i can take (other than paracetamol) for a cold / flu symptoms? I know we cant take decongestants and i cant get to see a GP til new year so has anyone found a safe releif from the cold and flu...
I don't know whether I;m bad for doing this or its good for the soul but last night me and my mate went shopping and driving up there we had a game where we would beep at people walking along and the...