Little Grape has come home he is still very weak and tired but he is home and well. He had the happiest face in the world when we walked into our house and he saw all the cards, ballons and presents...
What are your favourite foreign movies? I think the best one's i have seen are definately Amelie (probably one of my favourite movies of all time!), Pans Labryinth (spellings probably wrong!) - just...
I'm trying to make up a playlist of 'corny' songs such as 'Two little boys' by Rolf Harris and 'Teddy Bear' by Red Sovine . Has anyone got any others that I could include please? Many thanks.
Why cant we manufactue gold?, after all we should know the make up of the stuff and how its created and we can make diamonds so why not gold, silver or platinum. or am i just being stupid? Dave.
Anyone interested ? for your area type in SPACEWEATHER.COM and get links from there times for space shuttle take off and landings.Here are the times for midlands england uk sightings this coming...
what are your views on this. ?nodeId=144913&command=displayContent&sourceNo de=231190&home=yes&more_nodeId1=144922&content PK=18562849 personally i think...
Is there a program i can use to cut the best bit out of a song i like and make it into a ringtone, using my mp3s? think that makes sense! cheers if anyone can help!
anyone know how to browse the net on my ps3, i have a wireless network and can play the games online but where it says internet browser and i click on it i just get the ps3 home page, when i type in...
whats the name of the song that chris evans plays on the piano(not sure what the advert is for) and its not chopsticks its the first one . its driving me and the wife nuts. ty in advance Dave.
Hair, hare and heir are three words that sound the same but have different spellings. Are there any words that have more than 3 different spellings but sound the same ?
anyone know the species of fish that are numerous in Barcelona harbour, they are blueish in colour and approx 15 to 18 inches in length. had a great time in the city yet again,highly recommend,for...
does anyone anyway have a recipe for this lovely looking fish which we caught today, I understand it is of the herring family, thanks to anyone in anticipation for answering me