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ianthe plumb
I recently watched a tv show regarding construction in dubai i am a plumber and fancy going over does anyone have any idea where to start ringing round for such a job.thanks in advance ,ian the...
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Can anyone honestly recommend a Face Cream for ageing skin -- one that really works? Or will any old one do? I have bought quite expensive face creams in the past (Clarins, Helena Rubinstein Prodigy)...
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I have been with my partner for 2 years and we have lived together for the past 6 months. We have been arguing a lot recently as he is very selfish and openly admits it, whereas I am more sharing. If...
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I usually make my mayo as we don't eat a lot of it only in specific dishes.I don't like ready bought stuff in jars eg Hellmans.I always use Olivia oil which we bring back from Germany. However we have...
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I've heard of stuff you get to put on your skin to reduce the appearance of scars - does anyone know what it's called and does it work?
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Why do we get them? I've noticed a couple of stin tags appear just under my arms. Can I get rid of them? I wondered if shaving would do it or if I would bleed to death...
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I'v heard from reliable source that my nephew is on heroine and from the look of him it may be right. He is thin very pale and dark under the eye's.He is 23 and does not live at home. i am worried...
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I recently went for a job interview through an agency and unfortunately I didn't get it. However the director of the company has since rang me and said the person they took on is likely leave due to...
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Have only ever cooked it once and a lot of it stuck together when I strained it. What did I do wrong. Any suggestions please.
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i made vegetable soup (with chicken stock) and froze it the same day. After thawing out, how long would i be able to keep it refrigerated before eating it, without risking food poisoning?
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my 5 month old kitten broke her leg last week and has had pins put in it.shes a very active kitten we were told to keep her in strict confinement for at least two weeks, we 've made her a very big pen...
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Not sure if this is in the right section, however its about a dog so hopefully somebody can help. I could not believe my eyes when I came out of a local firework display on Saturday evening to see a...
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How do I remove myself from being a guarantor from someones shorthold tenancy agreement? They have a 6 month rental agreement and have failed the first 2 payments. They then received help from someone...
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My partner and his wife are going through a divorce. He is happy to support his children - even being prepared to pay more than the CSA expect him to. The major problem is his wife. She has refused to...
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I am desperately searching everywhere for some food ads from the 50's to analyze the language change within the slogans. Could anybody please help me and offer me some references?
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can a normal house hold produce enough methane gas from kitchen waste and human faeces to power and heat the property and become self-sufficient
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All 3 of our boundaries are shared in my back garden, as written in our deeds. When we moved into the house 4years ago we had a 4ft panels down one side. the lady on the other side was in hospital...
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How can I stop my boiler 'kettling'? It gets very noisy.
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I have four jars of onions happily pickling away and one that has onions in and a few cloves of garlic. The garlic seems to be turning the onions a blueish green colour. Should I worry? thanks
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I have been doing the cleaning at a voluntary center. Why do women seem not to be able to sit on a Loo seat? The toilets are cleaned very thoroughly every day some times more than once. Every day I...

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