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A grandson came to visit his grandparents and noticed his grandfather sitting on the porch in the rocker, wearing only a shirt, naked from the waist down. "Grandpa, whatcha' doing? You're weenie's out...
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man walks into his local pub with a big grin on his face. "What are you so happy about?" asks the barman. "Well, I'll tell you," replies the man. "You know, I live by the railroad tracks. Well, on my...
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A drunk is stumbling through the woods when he happens upon a preacher baptising folk in the river. He ambles down to the water's edge then trips and falls down before the holy man. Almost overcome by...
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Hi all. Got a new dvd recorder - phillips brand - and was just wondering how to view the disc on another player? I know I need to finalise it, but it won't allow me that option using dvd-rw discs...
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Not so much a question as an interesting news story. I'll leave it to you to provide comment. le3182408.ece Just goes to show - outsourcing of services...
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- you have my permission to use ad nauseum! 40 degrees: Californians shiver uncontrollably. People in Scotland sunbathe. 35 degrees: Italian cars won't start. People in Scotland drive with the windows...
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A teenage girl comes home from school and asks her mother. "Is it true what Rita just told me? Babies come out of the same place where boys put their penises?" "Yes, dear," replies her mother, pleased...
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Can anyone tell me what an Honours Business Degree would qualify you for? It just sounds so general and vague - what advantages would it give you over a degree in a specific field (e.g. accountancy,...
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Can anyone point me in teh direction of anywhere I can get the following games for either PS1 or PS2 or PC? Pengo Rygar Wonderboy Wonderboy in Monsterland
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Maybe this has been asked before, but am i the only one to have spotted the big penguin walking through the store on the latest DFS ads? My wife didn't notice, nor did my workmates until i pointed it...
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A little old lady decides to join The Hell's Angels so one day she goes up and knocks on their clubhouse door. A big, hairy, bearded biker with tattoos all over his arms answers. She boldly proclaims,...
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A class of five-year old school children return to the classroom after playing in the playground during their break time. The teacher says to the first child "Hello Becky, what have you been doing...
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Tuesday RTE 2
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On TV3 (Ireland) tonight
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Who's watching this tonight? I'm betting that the winner will be not the best tribute, but the act that reflects the public's usual tastes. (ie if there was a...
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Chuch filled with people set alight, 120 killed after elections 2.stm Doesn't look good... and it's only starting.
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The USA is often held up as an example of a country where freedom is paramount, and in particular freedom to practice religion is enshrined in the constitution. There are numerous examples of the...
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What are the implications for Pakistan and the rest of the world now that Benazir Bhutto has been killed? /2007/12/27/afx4476640.html
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OK - firstly - NOT an attack on deaf people. Can anyone tell me why almost 1/2 progs after 1am have sign language going on in the corner? Firstly, do all deaf people only watch in the wee small hours?...

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