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Don't know if this is the right place to ask but doesn't anyone else find the Australian Prime Minister's accent really grating? I normally quite like the aussie accent (even the lilting at the end of...
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well we ought to pull our 10.000 troops out of afghanistan and let the u.s forces fight alongside the 3.850 frenchmen fighting there and remember the 350 british troops who have lost their lives...
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For uni i need to reference books i.e author,year of publication, title...etc etc But im not sure which year to put in my reference list as theres normally a few listed. Please can anyone...
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Michaela Harte beautiful Irish Rose killed in her hotel room on honeymoon in Mauritius, how tragic, makes you think about travelling abroad and staying in hotels, quite scary. Thoughts and prayers...
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Blasphemy is a pretty hot topic in Pakistan at the moment . Is it still on the books of the catholic church along with heresy and all the other things that would get you burned at the stake in the...
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I need to trace a Belfast phone number - I have the nmber and no idea who's calling here (no-one at other end) Can anyone suggest any way to do this?
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My student son phoned last night to say that his Sony Vaio laptop wasn't working. He'd taken it to the local repair shop who informed him that it was the motherboard which was broken and he would...
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does anyone know how to take the sign language man off the tele , just trying to watch rockford files and its very offputting, just wondered if there was a button to press like you can for subtitles,...
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Over recent months there have been a number of attacks on Christians. The latest in Egypt and Iraq. As both Muslims and Christians have lived peacefully in those lands for hundreds of years what has...
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Hi there can anybody help i have just got myself a 500 gb Hitachi portable drive can anyone explain how to transfer files from laptop to portable drive thanks
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The US govt have started proceedings to get the info of foreign users of Twitter, including credit card details etc. Worrying big-brother precendent or...
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okay this is a bit old but i never saw it reported in our papers/news
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Hi does anyone on here know anything about them I am really interested in learning abiout the tarrots and how accurate readings are x
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We've always had a Rubik's Cube around the house but I've never really ever solved the thing. I've looked at a couple of websites but they all seem to be over the top with theories on solving it. I...
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Helllo Folks. The missus has just arrived home with a bottle of Coca Cola that she paid £1.75 for. Yesterday I paid 39p for a bottle of 'Premium' (i could have bought one for 18p) cola from a...
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Really only use my laptop for internet and the odd letter these days but it running very slowly .... should I take unwanted programs (like phone software and itunes etc) off it? Will this speed it up...
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who the hell are sam and charley?
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I have checked everything I can think of, and my computer is telling me that all is ok re sound but nothing at all coming out. Not even Windows set up sound. The speakers are live, good quality and...
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I want to reinstall XP on a Dell Vostro 1000. Have the two discs here, great so far. I did this once some time ago and cannot find the guide I had to the sequence of driver installation - can anyone...
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Afternoon all... anyone tried this?... I'd like to give it a go... most of the on-line recipe's Ive seen are quite elaborate!.. Anyone got a simple recipe that they've tried? Must go and put tea...

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