Hi abers, Iam quite concerned about a female cat which lives near my sister's house. This cat is only around 2 or 3 years old but so far she has had seven litters of kittens. She was extremely young...
My tri colour 11 year old mongrel was asleep in his bed near the tv and my 8 year old staffy cross came in and suddenly went for the sleeping dog and had him round the hed, i am on my own in the house...
hi my 9 yr old staff gets a bad belly every now and then his belly makes really loud noises and he wont eat anything and just walks round and seems really uncomfortable can anyone tell me what they...
Hi all , I received an email earlier today with a link to a petition asking for help with an issue going on in Dublin at present. Apparently Dublin are calling a ban on all sorts of dog breeds, Dogs...
Of my dog.Tried to do this earlier, but didn't know how to. I am now a member of PhotoBucket, as recommended. So: http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb38/leelap ops/P04-08-06_12.54.jpg...
finnally took pride in our garden, we weeded and seeded and mowed and croped, and every bloody day im taking off cat poo that has been disposed off on our garden. we bought a 6quid powder that is ment...
I have posted a few Qs in this section about various cat things, but I thought I would just let you all know that I am worried tonight. My cat Puss who is 18yrs old is not well today, he is acting...
Do all cats leave home to die? My friend's cat was 22 yrs old and he started acting strangely, decided to sleep inside the washing machine, and then one day left the house and never returned :i
Can anyone please explain why my dog , and I know she isn't alone in this, goes really stupid running round when she has had a wash ?She settles eventually but not til fine water spray covers...
You have to laugh at some of the adverts eg Wrinkle cream for Jane Fonda who has had plastic surgery. Stair lifts for people obviously fit as butchers dogs. Cellulite cream for 20 years olds with...
I have been watching this programme and my heart goes out to all these cats and dogs. I have 2 cats Puss is a moggie from the RSPCA he is 18 years old, my other cat Boots is 14 years old also just a...
I am terrible for this expecially in meetings, i have to pinch myself to stay awake, unless im having an active discussion and im the one talking i am really bad, i hate it! and worry so much. Also i...
Would men seriously consider dating or marrying a woman who would rather not have children? Or is that just the perfect excuse to break up down the line? Just wondering how men feel about procreation....
Hiya. Just returned from Jack's (Collie-3 y-o) 6 month MOT at the vet. Vet (who is male) handled Jack quite roughly, taking the lead and pulling him about a bit. Anyway, Jack rolled over, and the vet...
I phoned the RSPCA this morning, hoping they could investigate, but they basically told me that if the cat is owned, then it is the owner's responsibilty. They asked me to go over the road, ask if...
We have just moved into a new house. A neighbour's cat keeps killing the wild birds in our garden. It isn't eating any of them, or taking them home as a "present" for its owner. Any ABer any...
Have any A/Bers takes St Johns Wort for Depression, and if in your opinion it worked, how long did it take before you noticed a difference?. I've been taking it for a month now, and don't want to...