This fourth week in the reign of Lady Alex continued in a more sedate fashion (scoring-wise), if not more cryptically with more than a hint of deviousness (choice-wise). I now reveal the pre-selected...
Hello again everyone and welcome to the fourth week of my reign as Lady Alex of the Links and we are motoring along quite nicely. Having told you all about my younger life in Fife, Lancashire and...
And another month is rapidly passing us by as we count down to the next winner to be crowned - remembering there's an extra chance this month with 5 weekends, rather than the usual four. Will it be an...
Good Evening AB Linkers, everywhere! Welcome to this fourth week in the reign of Lady Alex, who is responsible for setting the MM Links for the rest of this five-week month. After a crazy couple of...
This third week in the reign of Lady Alex was definitely more controlled in terms of scoring ~ quite civilised really. I now reveal the chosen links were: KETTLE Drum Desert ORCHID MORRIS Dancer Spear...
Hello again everyone and welcome to the third week of my reign as Lady Alex of the Links. Last week, I told you all that I was brought up in Scotland, but when I got married we moved to England....
Good Morning all - here we all are once again, ready to do battle with this week's Daily Telegraph Crossword, courtesy of Kate Mepham - Kate provides the words, all we have to do is attempt to provide...
Good Evening AB Linkers, everywhere! Welcome to this third week in the reign of Lady Alex, who will continue set the MM Links for the rest of the month. After her Tayside week, we had a Thameside week...
This second week in the reign of Lady Alex went like clockwork ~ with all the postings going out exactly on time. I now reveal the chosen links were: Red ROSE(S) [Very patriotic] District LINE London...
Hello everyone, this is Lady Alex (in person) hoping that this second week goes without a hitch. I am very grateful to gen2 & crofter for covering for me whilst I was enjoying the winter sun in lovely...
well, Good Morning all and I hope you are all very fit and well for another weekend's battle. This is seekeerz coming to you live, from the luxurious and beautifully appointed apartment into which I...
Good Evening AB Linkers, everywhere! Welcome to this second week in the reign of Lady Alex, who will appear in person tomorrow ~ having been out of the country on state business! I expect that you...
The Quiz results are on here... zles/Question530858.html and all your sheets were sent back today! Thank you all SO much yet again!! are a...
This first week of the reign of Lady Alex went very much with honours going North of the Border. Perhaps not surprising, as I can now reveal the chosen Link Words were as follows: Jute MILL(S) SMOKED...
Hello, could anyone tell me the Vauxhall advert song. The words in it are "Don't you just now it, aaa a yo" Aperently it's on a Snatch album but I can't find it anywhere?
This is crofter (MM referee and scoremaster) introducing the first week on behalf of Lady Alex, who is currently sunning herself on the Island of Madeira. She was informed of her win on MM Links...
Good morning and welcome to a brand new month and a brand new game, the aim of which is to predict as many matches in Kate Mepham's Crosswords - sounds easy I know, in practise - well try your hand at...
Good Evening AB Linkers, everywhere! This is a little earlier than usual, since I am about spend a pleasant evening at a local Italian Restaurant with colleagues to celebrate someone's 40th Birthday....